Inauguration: Barack Obama tells US to seize the moment奧巴馬宣誓就職 籲國民把握時機
( 2013-02-08 )
Barack Obama (n.奧巴馬) has told the American (adj.美國的) people to "seize (v.把握) the moment (n.一刻、時機)", in a speech (n.演說) in Washington (n.華盛頓) DC (n.哥倫比亞特區) inaugurating (v.為……舉行就職典禮) his second term (n.任期) as US (n.美國) president (n.總統).
He issued (v.發出) a plea (n.呼籲) for political (adj.政治的) unity (n.團結) while embracing (v.信奉、宣揚) liberal (adj.開明的) causes (n.目標) such as immigration (n.移民) reform (n.改革), gay (adj.同性戀的) rights (n.權益) and the fight against climate change (n.氣候變化).
Mr Obama, 51, who is the 44th US president, was sworn in (v.使宣誓就職) for his second term by Chief Justice (n.首席大法官) John Roberts (n.羅伯茨).
Hundreds of thousands of people crammed (v.擠滿) the ceremony (n.典禮) on the National (adj.國家的) Mall (n.廣場) at the US Capitol (n.國會大廈).
"This generation (n.一代) of Americans (n.美國人) has been tested (v.試煉) by crises (n.危機) that steeled (v.使堅定) our resolve (n.決心) and proved our resilience (n.恢復力)," the Democratic (adj.民主黨的) president said. "A decade (n.十年) of war is now ending. An economic recovery (n.復蘇) has begun. America(n.美國)'s possibilities are limitless (adj.無限的)."
He added: "My fellow (adj.同類的) Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it - so long as we seize it together."
(BBC, January 21)