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Big on promises 許下重諾
( 2013-02-01 )

      A beleaguered (adj.飽受批評的) chief executive (n.行政長官) delivered (v.發表) his first policy address (n.演說) with a promise to build at least 120,000 flats (n.住宅單位) within five years.
      Leung Chun-ying (n.梁振英), whose popularity (n.民望) has plunged (v.急跌) to new lows (n.最低點) amid (prep.在……之中) accusations (n.指控) of lying about illegal structures (n.建築) at his Peak (n.山頂) home, said his six-month-old administration (n.政府) will not lose momentum (n.動力).
      He added: "I am confident that we will be able to produce 120,000 units (n.單位) or more."
      Seven of 10 measures (n.措施) to increase housing (n.房屋) and the land supply is already making available (adj.可使用的) more than 300 hectares (n.公頃) of sites (n.用地) for housing, he said.
      "We recognize (v.明白) that problems stemming (v.起源於) from property (n.樓房、物業) prices and rentals (n.租金), cage homes, cubicle (n.板間房) apartments (n.住宅單位) and sub-divided (adj.再分割的) units (n.房) cannot be solved overnight (adv.一夜之間、在短期內)," Leung said.
      "But we must acknowledge these problems, understand the gravity of the situation, and take the first step forward to resolve them."
      The administration's "top priority (n.首要事項)" is to tackle (v.解決) housing problems, he added, "and we will strive (v.致力) to help the grassroots (n.基層) to get to public rental (adj.租用的) housing (n.公屋) and help the middle-class (adj.中產的) families to purchase (v.購買) their own properties."
      (The Standard, January 17)




      1. beleaguered (adj) /bI'li:gəd/,bil-LEE-gud 飽受批評的、四面楚歌的
      2. address (n) /ə'dres/,a-DRESS 演說、演講
      解讀:名詞address固然可解作地址,但它也常指演說、演講,即相當於speech;名詞policy指政策,因此文中的policy address指宣布政策的演說,即施政報告,也叫policy speech;此外,inaugural address / speech是就職演說。
      3. cubicle (n) /'kju:bIkl/,KEW-bick-kl 板間房、小隔間
      解讀:cubicle是把大房間用木板等分隔出來的板間房,例如美國人說的office cubicle是辦公室的隔間,而英國人說的changing cubicle是公共游泳池的更衣室;文中的cubicle apartment(s)則指用作居住的板間房。