作為一個英文數字,2 (TWO ) stands for sharing分享e.g. two heads are better than one;co-operation合作e.g. it takes two to dance; harmony和諧e.g. I am two with nature天人合一。另一方面,TWO also stands for friction,“二”同時也可以代表衝突e.g. in two minds拿不定主意,以及opposition對立e.g. Yin and Yang as the universal opposites of the two-part symbol of Asian religion東方哲學中太極兩儀的陰與陽。
2 的典型詞語是TWO和DOUBLE 。
日常經常聽到和用到TWO的慣用語 :
two's company, three's a crowd二人世界 it is better to leave two people alone to spend time with each other, especially for two lovers who are happier alone than within a group of three。
two-timer 懷有二心,不忠的情人或愛人;two-time=secretly go out with another man or woman other than one's husband or wife。
two of a kind兩人很相像;氣味相投。
two sides of the same coin同一事物的兩方面;事情非常不同的另一面。
put two and two together根據所見所聞而作出推斷 。
that makes two of us我也有同感;我的情況也一樣。
to kill two birds with one stone一石二鳥。
fall between two stools兩頭落空 。
it takes two to tango一種事態或爭論,由兩個人而產生,表示雙方都有責任。
DUAL and DOUBLE都有TWO的意思,但用法要小心:
We say dual purpose/function/role/approach/citizenship。
But we have to say double bed/doors/figures/standards/thickness。
政治人物近年來最喜歡說的buzzword時髦術語(fashionable and popular phrase)是double whammy雙倍倒霉two bad things happen together or one after the other,例如加價又加稅:the double whammy of higher prices and more taxes。
另一個新聞界流行潮語是double-edged/two-edged (雙鋒)。A double-edged sword雙刃劍,指兩邊都磨得一樣鋒利的刀或劍,引申的意思是有利也有害something that has both advantages and disadvantages。兩個例句:Fame can be a two-edged sword名聲是把雙刃劍;This medicine is double-edged, it may cure you fast but has some unpleasant side effects藥物効力高,但可能有副作用。Double –edged words have two possible meanings可以有兩種解釋的語言,意義雙關的文字,模棱兩可的評論。
Double jeopardy這個名詞,很難繙譯,“雙重危險”“雙重威脅”都容易引起誤解,正確的意思是:法律上不容許以同一罪名檢控一個人超過一次以上:the situation when someone is taken to court a second time for the same crime。對同一個人同一罪行的重複起訴,或者因同一原因的兩次懲罰,都是common law普通法不容許的做法,若要複審他的話,一定要用另一罪名。
Double indemnity“雙倍賠償” 這個保險界的jargon行業術語,與DOUBLE “加倍”或“雙重”這個英文字有關係 。在人壽保險中,有一條慣例:指定投保人若遭意外橫死的話,受益者可以獲得雙倍的金錢補償,double indemnity is a feature of a life insurance policy that allows double the value of the contract to be paid in the case of death by accident.
Double act是雙人戲/double agent是雙重間諜/double time是付給加班者的雙倍工資/double think 是雙重思想,同時保持兩種互相矛盾的看法或信仰/double-decker指雙層公共汽車,或兩層肉饀的三明治/double trouble指雙重困惱,等於漢語中的福無重至,禍不單行。
Double-speak又稱double-talk,指欺人之談;模棱兩可的用詞;合糊其辭的說法。Double Dutch是莫名其妙的話;晦澀的言語或文字。試欣賞以下兩個分別出現於醫生和地產經紀有趣的代表作:a doctor on the chart of a dead patient 病人一病不起的婉轉描述:"patient failed to fulfill his wellness potential." 以及an estate agent's double-speak on a studio起居室租售的吹水文字:"You can wash the dishes, watch the telly and answer the front door without getting up from the toilet."
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