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Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
( 2013-01-18 )

      Together, these secure for Canadians an 800-year old tradition of ordered liberty, which dates back to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215 in England (also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms), including:
      • Freedom of conscience and religion;
      • Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of speech and of the press;
      • Freedom of peaceful assembly; and
      • Freedom of association.
      Habeas corpus, the right to challenge unlawful detention by the state, comes from English common law.
      The Constitution of Canada was amended in 1982 to entrench the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which begins with the words, “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” This phrase underlines the importance of religious traditions to Canadian society and the dignity and worth of the human person.
Source: Discover Canada, page 8.

      secure = guarantee or protect 保障
      liberty = freedom 自由
      date back = go back 追溯
      Magna Carta(拉丁文)英國的大憲章
      conscience = awareness of what is right and what is wrong 良心;是非感
      religion 宗教
      expression = making your thoughts, feelings, opinions known 發表個人思想、情感、意見
      freedom of speech 言論自由
      freedom of the press 出版自由
      peaceful assembly 和平集會
      freedom of association 結社自由
      habeas corpus(拉丁文)人身保護令
      unlawful detention 非法拘禁
      state = government 政府
      constitution = a system of beliefs and laws that govern a country 憲法
      amend = change and improve 修正
      entrench = establish firmly 鞏固
      found = establish 建基
      principle 原則
      underline 突顯;強調
      dignity = being worthy of respect 尊嚴
      worth = value, importance 價值

      • 宗教及憑良知做事的自由
      • 思想、信仰、表達意見的自由,包括言論和出版自由
      • 和平集會的自由
      • 組織結社的自由