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( 2013-01-11 )

      人的一生,有幸運與不幸的日子。有人說:一個人幸運的造成,主要在於他自己 (英國:培根);也有人說:淺溥的人相信運氣,堅強的人相信因果 (美國:愛默生)。您呢?
      GOOD LUCK and LUCKY EXPRESSIONS :好運、幸運、僥幸的慣用語非常普遍,最自然最流行的說法有:You’re in luck你運氣不錯/Good luck! 祝你順利/ Wish you the best of luck! 祝成功;祝好運/What a stroke of luck! 運氣真好/Any luck? 運氣怎麼樣?/a lucky charm吉祥飾物 / strike it lucky交上好運=very lucky, especially when you were not expecting it. / third time lucky過一過二不過三,但願你第三次交好運/ You can thank your lucky stars 吉星高照,真好運/a lucky day良辰吉日/a lucky guess僥幸的猜中。

      WORD CHOICE GUIDE :選字遣詞的幾點指引 :
      Do not say that someone 'has luck'. Say they are lucky: 例如I was lucky and got to the airport in time。
      You can use 'have' with luck only when luck has something before it such as 'bad', 'good', 'much', 'any', 'a bit of' etc : 例如He's had a lot of bad luck recently.
      語法上LUCK屬不可數名詞,"luck" is an uncountable noun. Do not say a luck。To talk about one lucky event, you can say a piece of luck, a bit of luck, or a stroke of luck. 例句:Seeing him at that moment was an amazing piece of luck (NOT an amazing luck); What a stroke of luck! =very good luck 運氣真好!
      Lucky is a very informal word, carrying no implication in current use of any divine or supernatural intervention,字義不暗示任何神或超自然因素的介入。 "Lucky" refers to a chance occurrence that proves beneficial常指有好處的偶發事件: 例如 I was lucky to catch the last bus我真好運,趕上了最後一班公共汽車。
      Fortunate幸運的may once have implied a favourable sign; now it often indicates present success or good circumstances: 例如One should be kind to those less fortunate than oneself 我們要善待比較不幸的人; He is fortunate in having a good wife他真幸運,有一個好妻子。
      Fortuitous偶然發生的 = happening by chance, especially a lucky chance that brings a good result; fortuitous有accidental的含意。偶然相遇,便是a fortuitous meeting。
      UNLUCKY COMMON EXPRESSIONS 英語中,有以下兩個表達不幸的慣用語 :
      Down on his luck=anyone who is suffering from poverty, unemployment or constant misfortune, he is in need of money after a period of bad luck 窮困潦倒,因一時倒霉而不名一文。
      I've had a run of bad luck=a series of bad things happened to me運滯連連。
      Hard luck/bad luck/tough luck are used to express sympathy when something unpleasant has happened to some one. 其他流行的說法,還有: Your luck was out! / You are out of luck /Better luck next time! / Never mind. Your turn will come/ Perhaps your luck will change. You never know!
      十三不祥,是最典型的洋迷信;13 is an UNLUCKY NUMBER.
      The most superstitious of all number, 13 is even responsible for a recognized psychological condition, triskaidekaphobia – the fear of the number 13. Phobia恐懼症 is a strong unreasonable fear of something無名的極度恐懼;例如claustrophobia幽閉恐懼症;aqua-phobia恐水症。
      西方很多高樓大廈沒有13樓,Many tall buildings will skip from level 12 to 14, 美國有些超級公路不設第13條出口通道,certain highways have no 13th exit ,職業球隊沒有13號球衣, sports teams often leave out the number 13 on their shirt numbers.
      西方航空公司,字數迷信更普遍,飛機上,沒有13行座位。遠東的航空公司,不喜歡跟“死”字諧音的4字,飛機上沒有第4行機位,南韓首爾仁川機場Inchon Airport in Seoul, Korea沒有4號、44號和13號的登機門。
      美國航班,對7號和11號,有不吉利的迷信, these numbers are considered unlucky;兩架飛往Las Vegas拉斯維加斯777和711的客機,曾經失事遇害。Perhaps this is the reason why the 9/11 terrorists chose to hijack flights 77 and 11。同樣道理,中國人特別喜歡好事成雙的88班機! In China, there's a lot of demand to get on board flight 88, the number standing for double prosperity.

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