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Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
( 2013-01-11 )

      Canadian citizens have rights and responsibilities. These come to us from our history, are secured by Canadian law, and reflect our shared traditions, identity, and values.
      Canadian law has several sources, including laws passed by Parliament and the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain.
      Together, these secure for Canadians an 800-year old tradition of ordered liberty, which dates back to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215 in England (also known as the Great Charter of Freedoms), including:

      Source: Discover Canada, page 8.

      To listen on your Android phone, scan with the free app Google Goggles and tap on the MP3 for "Rights and       Responsibilities of Citizenship".
      To listen on your iPhone, scan with a QR code reader and tap on the MP3 for "Rights and Responsibilities of       Citizenship".
      To listen on your iPad or computer, follow these steps:
      • google (search 搜尋) the words "listen to discover canada"
      • click (or tap) on the link "Listen to Discover Canada"
      • click on "Download each section"
      • click on "Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship"
      • click on "Listen to this chapter"
      • click on "MP3"

      citizen = a full member of a country who enjoy the rights and protection of that country 公民
      right 權利
      responsibility = a duty you are required or expected to do 責任
      secure = guarantee or protect 保障
      reflect = show 反映
      tradition = the beliefs or customs of a group of people for a long time 傳統
      identity = the qualities, beliefs, etc. that make a person or a group of persons different from others 身份
      values 价值觀
      legislature = a group of people who make or change laws 立法机构
      common law = the laws which were developed from English court decisions and form the basis of Canadian law 英國的普通法(又稱習慣法)
      inherit = receive something from someone who had it before 秉承;繼承
      liberty = freedom 自由
      date back = go back 追溯
      Magna Carta(拉丁文)英國的大憲章
