Pope (n.教宗) Benedict (n.本篤), leading the world's Roman (adj.羅馬的) Catholics (n.天主教徒) into Christmas (n.聖誕節), on Monday urged (v.敦促) people to find room (n.空間) for God (n.神、上帝、天主) in their fast-paced (adj.步伐急速的) lives filled with the latest technological (adj.科技的) gadgets (n.玩意).
The 85-year-old pope, marking the eighth Christmas season of his pontificate (n.教宗任期), celebrated a solemn (adj.莊嚴的) Christmas Eve (n.前夕) mass (n.彌撒、感恩祭) in St. Peter(n.伯多祿)'s Basilica (n.大殿), during which he appealed (v.呼籲) for a solution to the Arab(n.阿拉伯)-Israeli (adj.以色列的) conflict (n.衝突) and an end to the civil war (n.內戰) in Syria (n.敘利亞).
At the mass for some 10,000 people in the basilica and broadcast (v.廣播) to millions of others on television, the pope wove (v.編纂) his homily (n.講道) around the theme (n.主題) of God's place in today's modern world.
"The faster we can move, the more efficient (adj.有效率的) our time-saving (adj.節省時間的) appliances (n.電器) become, the less time we have. And God? The question of God never seems urgent (adj.迫切的). Our time is already completely full," he said.
The leader of the world's some 1.2 billion (n.十億) Roman Catholics said societies had reached the point where many people's thinking processes (n.過程) did not leave any room even for the existence (n.存在) of God.
(Reuters, December 25)
1. pontificate (n) /pɔn'tIfIkit/,pon-TI-fi-kut
解讀:名詞pontiff解作教宗,相當於pope / Pope,但只用於正統行文;pontificate則是較抽象的名詞,指教宗職務、教宗任期,也可叫papacy;而形容詞則是pontifical,解作教宗的,也可叫papal。
2. basilica (n) /bə'zIlIkə/,ba-ZI-li-ka 大殿、大教堂
解讀:古希臘文basileus解作國王,而拉丁文basilica本指法院大樓,後引申指以同樣格局興建的教堂、聖殿,在羅馬尤指由君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great)興建的七座大殿,而文中的St. Peter's Basilica(聖伯多祿大殿)則是在原有一座的遺址重建而成。
3. homily (n) /'hɔmIli/,HOM-mi-lee 講道、說教
解讀:《聖經.新約》(the New Testament)中談到講道、sermon,便會用希臘文homilia,而源於此字的英文字homily因而指講道以至說教,例如Her parents launched into a homily on love and sacrifice(她父母熱情地展開一篇關於愛與犧牲的說教)。