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iBT Toefl速讀理解與資訊定位 新託福漫談之九
( 2012-12-28 )

      首先,需要注意英語篇章結構的特點。託福閱讀考試所選的材料都為正式書面語的語體,包括說明體(exposition)和議論體(argumentation)。此類語體的英語文章往往具有一些共性的規律和特點,稱為語篇模式(discourse pattern):一篇文章通常包含依次為導言(introduction)、主旨(topic)、支撐(supporting details)、結論(conclusion)的四個部分,其中主旨和支撐部分是必不可少的,是文章的最基本構件。從整個篇章來看,常可發現含有導言和主旨資訊的主題段;從某個段落來看,也常可找到涵蓋該段落內容的主題句。並且,英文語篇還有一個重要特點,就是主題資訊相對靠前。不僅整個文章的主旨常出現的開篇第一、二段,而且段落的主題句也有70%以上出現在段落的起首。另外關於支撐部分,即文章內容的展開部分,其常見方式包括:時間順序、地點順序、提供例證、項目列舉、比較對照、陳述因果、定義闡述以及類比等。瞭解英語篇章結構的上述特點,有助於在閱讀過程中迅速把握文章的行文脈絡,確定每一段落在語篇中的地位,理解所讀資訊在語篇中的作用,進而可以使回答問題時對具體資訊的搜索和定位更加快捷。閱讀時注意篇章結構,需要閱讀者保持活躍的思維狀態,對所讀內容進行敏銳地觀察、分析及預測。當然,開始閱讀時先快速瀏覽文章及每段的起首一、二句,對於大致瞭解其主旨是有好處的。一旦把握了文章的組織結構,不僅資訊定位易於進行,而且能夠在區分概念項目和主、次資訊的基礎上更有把握地解答新題型中的分類題和總結題。
      [1] Today's teachers are faced with a stark choice. They(指代前句中的Today's teachers) must decide whether to teach in a way that helps students pass standardized exams, or teach in a way that actually helps students learn.
[2] Speaking a foreign language is an enormous asset in the modern world. This(指前句的全部內容) is why so many junior high and elementary schools are now offering language classes.
      [1] Peers and older siblings have a major influence on how schoolchildren behave. For instance(提示舉例), young children often repeat bad words they hear from their friends or brothers and sisters.
      [2] In a glacier's depths, glacial ice behaves in a plastic manner, distorting and flowing in response to weight and pressure from above and the degree of slope below. In contrast(提示對照), the glacier's upper portion is more like the everyday ice we know, quite brittle.
      [1] To foster healthy relationships between children in a classroom, teachers should provide time for games and fun activities. Having healthy relationships with their peers helps children gain confidence useful in other parts of their lives.
      [2] Like the Milky Way, other spiral galaxies also have a thin disk extending outward from a central bulge. The bulge itself merges smoothly into a halo that can extend to a radius of over 100,000 light-years. Together, the bulge and halo of a spiral galaxy make up its spheroidal component, so named because of its rounded shape.
      [1] Before choosing a public or a private school for their children, parents should take into account the cost. The price of a private school is usually much higher than that of a public school.
      [2] The approach is a controversial one for several reasons. The method itself has been attacked on the ground that it is impossible to construct a word-list that shows no cultural bias.
