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( 2012-12-21 )

      There's good news and bad news about what lies on the surfaces of your computer keyboard, mouse, smartphone or tablet.
      The bad news: in all likelihood they're absolutely covered in tiny bugs, which could potentially include bacteria and viruses such as parainfluenza, E. coli, C. difficile and drug-resistant MRSA. If you share the device, or commonly let others use it, the danger of it harbouring some scary germs is even higher.

      The good news: there's no real reason for concern, especially if you've developed good handwashing habits. The odds(機會) of getting sick from the bacteria(細菌) and viruses(病毒) that linger on computers and gadgets - even those stationed in the public and used by many grubby-handed people - are about as minuscule as the tiny organisms themselves, says Dr. Alison McGeer, an infectious disease specialist at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital.
      Grubby的意思是生蛆的或骯髒的,grubby-handed people是那些雙手骯髒的人。Minuscule用作形容詞解微小的或小寫字的,用作名詞則解(中古抄本的)小寫字體,與miniscule的解釋一樣。上述一段中的minuscule是形容詞,解微小的。
      According to a 2008 study co-authored by Charles Gerba at the University of Arizona, viruses and bacteria on computer equipment typically thrive(茂盛生長) in high numbers, even though people have been conditioned to regularly use sanitizing wipes(消毒紙巾) and sprays.

      原來家中的電腦比辦公室的電腦更骯髒,尤其是用得最多的E、S和T三個字鍵;當然還有return和spacebar。另外,根據London School of Hygiene去年的報告,接受檢測的手機百分之九十二有細菌,百分之十八還帶有fecal bacteria(與糞便有關的細菌)。底是這樣:
      Bacteria and viruses are omnipresent(無處不在), always within reach, so avoiding them entirely is impossible. Getting germs on your hands isn't necessarily a problem, as long as they don't find their way in your body.
      細菌病毒無處不在,要保障健康最重要的防都是勤洗手。有時候真會懷疑,既然避無可避,倒不如不要告訴我,免得做什麼都有心理障礙。Jessica Snyder Sachs的Good Germs, Bad Germs: Health and Survival in a Bacterial World,談的是在充滿病菌世界中的生存之道。
