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Bully the bully非上策
( 2012-12-14 )

      四名欺凌者都只是十來歲的第七班男生,而受害者是六十八歲來自希臘的Karen Klein。

      若你有看過這段短片,你的第一個反應也可能像很多人一樣:“罪有應得!”“這些人長大也沒用!”但專業青少年輔導師Ugo Uche卻以這事件為例,質疑普遍對付bullies的方法是否正確。他認為“標準”的方法本質是“以暴易暴”,解決不了問題。
      A few months ago when a YouTube video went viral(廣泛流傳), showing some middle school boys taunting(辱罵、奚落) their bus monitor, the mass media became the bully. Not only were the boys suspended from school, their families also received recurring death threats(重複發生的死亡恐嚇).
      他認為:"The best way to describe bullying is this: hurt people hurt people." "Hurt people hurt people"中第一個hurt是形容詞,解受傷害的,第二個hurt是動詞,解傷害。他認為bullying的行為其實是受傷害的人去傷害別人。
      People who engage in bullying aren't coming from a place of empowerment or overwhelming self confidence, they are coming from a place of pain and are operating from the belief that their personal happiness can be achieved at the expense of others.
      Empowerment解活力化,通常是指企業組織賦予員工更大的授權、參與決策權力等,目的是提高公司運作的效率和效益。在上段的empowerment解有權有勢,overwhelming self confidence是滿懷自信。
      This is why the standard approach to end bullying never works. Where a complaint is filed, the bully is admonished(責備、告戒) by authority figures and suspended from school(勒令停學). These actions reinforce the bully's belief that they are the ones being treated unfairly, and it sets the bully's victim up for retaliation(報復).

      他認為︰"The best way to deal with bullying is to teach the person on the receiving end how to become empowered(有力) and compassionate(憐憫)."應付bullying的最佳方法是讓受害一方明白bullies的本質與我們沒有分別,以同情的態度感化欺凌者。
      能做到皆大歡喜收場固然最好。事實上,學校中的bullies也都只是孩子,無論行為有多惡劣,教育他們改正錯誤也是上策。Bully: An Action Plan for Teachers, Parents, and Communities to Combat the Bullying Crisis為老師、家長提供處理欺凌行為的辦法。