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How Canadians Govern Themselves 加拿大人如何治理其國家
( 2012-12-14 )

Parliament Hill, Ottawa

      As a constitutional monarchy, Canada's Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King), who reigns in accordance with the Constitution: the rule of law. The Sovereign is a part of Parliament, playing an important, non-partisan role as the focus of citizenship and allegiance, most visibly during royal visits to Canada. Her Majesty is a symbol of Canadian sovereignty, a guardian of constitutional freedoms, and a reflection of our history. The Royal Family's example of lifelong service to the community is an encouragement for citizens to give their best to their country. As Head of the Commonwealth, the Sovereign links Canada to 53 other nations that cooperate to advance social, economic and cultural progress. Other constitutional monarchies include Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, Japan, Jordan and Morocco.
Source: Discover Canada,
page 29

      monarchy = a form of government in which the country is ruled by a king or queen (a monarch). In a constitutional monarchy (君主立憲制), the monarch's power is defined and limited by the constitution.
      Head of State 國家元首
      hereditary = (of a position) that can be passed from parent to child or a close relative 世襲
      reign = rule as a monarch (king or queen) 統治;登基在位. Example: Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over her kingdom since 1952.
      in accordance with a rule or principle 根據某項規例或原則 Example: In accordance with the Consitution, Queen Elizabth II is Canada's Head of State. 根據加拿大憲法,女王伊利沙白二世是國家元首
      Parliament = a group of people responsible for making laws立法議會
      non-partisan = independent from any political party 無黨派
      role = the part one plays in a situation 角色
      allegiance = loyalty 對某人或團體的效忠
      symbol = something that represents an idea, a group, etc 象征. Example: The Queen is a symbol of Canada's sovereignty. 女王陛下象征着加國的主權
      guardian = protector 保護者
      reflection = something showing the effect or character of something else 反映
      lifelong = lasting a lifetime 終身
      encouragement 鼓勵;激勵
      Commonwealth = Commonwealth of Nations (formerly British Commonwealth of Nations) 聯邦(前稱英聯邦)Example: There are 54 nations in the Commonwealth.
      link = connection 聯繫
      cooperate = work together 合作
      advance = (verb) make something better(作動詞用)促進
      progress = improvement 進展;進步


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       •click on “How Canadians Govern Themselves”
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