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Stinky laundry和crusty plates教孩子負責任
( 2012-12-07 )

“姐姐,would you get me a glass of water?”“姐姐,where is my pencil case?”“姐姐,can you get my shoes?”有菲傭的家庭經常可聽到孩子事事叫domestic helper(家傭)代勞。不少家長都為這種情況頭痛,但用了各種辦法,賞、罰、講道理,情況都不能改善。

      辦法很簡單,就是go on strike(罷工)。報章這樣報道:
      Mom Jessica Stilwell let the crusty(沾有干了食物汁的) dinner plates pile up in the kitchen and left the stinky laundry(發臭的衣物) scattered on the floor to teach her messy(東西亂放的) kids a lesson. After six days, she declared victory in her "mommy strike" and gained worldwide attention for her comical(詼諧的) blog detailing the struggle.
      三十七歲的Jessica,是一位社工。她的experimental parenting(實驗性的教導法),引來很多家長評論和支持,有電視台還邀請她上節目分享經驗。
      The couple cleaned up each plate and fork they used for themselves but left the girls' dirty dishes untouched(未觸動過的). Stilwell wrote that the plates slowly stacked(疊起) on top of each other like a gross game.
      Mould(黴菌) and fruit flies(果蠅) gathered. One pet dog licked clean the dishes that made it into the dishwasher when the door was left open. She also posted photos of the mess, including one of another pet that got stuck in a backpack as the pooch(雜種狗) tried to get at a rotting(腐爛的) school lunchbag.
      午餐袋不干淨,Jessica就用dog pooh bags(拾狗糞的膠袋)盛載孩子的午餐。到了第四天,厶女首先“崩塌”。Jessica在博客寫道:
      "My little love broke down in the kitchen tonight as she was trying to rinse(沖洗) a glass to use and began to cry. Through her sobs she said, 'I don't wanna eat out of pooh bags anymore. I don't want paper plates or beer cups for breakfast. Can you please help me clean up?'"
      但還要再過兩天幾個女兒才全面投降,明白自己每天製造多少工作給父母。她們向爸媽道歉,然後幫忙收拾屋子。這樣的辦法對於某些父母可能太“辣”。Richard和Linda Eyre的Teaching Your Children Responsibility提供其他方法教家長培養孩子的責任感。