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How Canadians Govern Themselves
( 2012-11-30 )

Parliament Buildings, Ottawa

      In Canada's parliamentary democracy, the people elect members to the House of Commons in Ottawa and to the provincial and territorial legislatures. These representatives are responsible for passing laws, approving and monitoring expenditures, and keeping the government accountable. Cabinet ministers are responsible to the elected representatives, which means they must retain the "confidence of the House" and have to resign if they are defeated in a non-confidence vote. Parliament has three parts: the Sovereign (Queen or King), the Senate and the House of Commons. Provincial legislatures comprise the Lieutenant Governor and the elected Assembly.
Source: Discover Canada, page 28

      parliamentary from the word parliament = a group of people responsible for making laws 立法會議
      democracy = a form of government in which the people choose their leaders by voting 民主政制
      elect = select someone for a position by voting 通過投票選出
      legislature = a group of people (officials) responsible for making or changing laws 立法會;立法組織
      representative 代表
      approve = accept 通過;核准
      monitor = (verb) watch or observe(作動詞用)監察
      expenditure = money spent 財政開支
      To keep the government accountable is to require it to be responsible for its actions or decisions. 監察政府,要求它為其決策負責
      retain = keep or continue to have 得到
      confidence = trust 信任
      resign = give up a job or position 辭職
      defeated 被擊敗
      non-confidence vote 不信任投票
      Senate 加拿大國會內的參議院
      House of Commons 加拿大國會內的眾議院
      comprise = consist of 包括
      Lieutenant Governor = the Queen's representative in a province 省督


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      • google (search 搜尋) the words  "listen to discover canada"
      • click (or tap) on the link "Listen to Discover Canada"
      • click on  "Download each section"
      • click on  "How Canadians Govern Themselves"
      • click on  "Listen to this chapter"
      • click on  "MP3"
