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( 2012-11-23 )

      Recycle禮物原來有個專有名詞,叫regift。別小瞧regift,這當中原來大有學問。先看Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English對regift的定義:
      Regift: (verb) To give an unwanted gift to someone else; to give as a gift something one previously received as a gift.
      Regifting不一定是壞事,也未必代表不尊重受禮者。但是有一些規矩要遵守。首先問自己的是:"Is the gift regiftable?"(這份禮物適合再送出去嗎?)規矩是︰
      Never regift handmade(手造的) or one-of-a-kind(獨一無二的) items. Signed books and monogrammed(有花押字的) items are off-limits.

      有些free promotional items(免費的推廣貨品)無妨regift,但一定要是未開過的,這些可以是"bottles of wine, new household items and inexpensive jewelry"(酒、新的家居用品或不貴重的飾物)。
      How is the condition? Only new, unopened gifts in good condition should be considered for regifting. Never give partially used gift cards. Don't give items that you have owned for a long time.

      A general rule of thumb: if you have to dust it off, it is not regiftable.
      Rule of thumb解基本原則或實用辦法。若你要把物品清潔,就不適合再送給別人。
      Do you have good intentions? Don't just give a gift to give a gift. Be sure that the recipient(收禮者) will appreciate the item. Remember, if you feel that an item is undesirable(不受歡迎的), the recipient probably will too. If you are regifting simply because you ran out of time, gift cards are simple to obtain and always well received.
      Barbara Bitela的The Art of Regifting: Your ABC's Guide: The Do's and Don'ts, Urban Legends and Folklore詳述regifting的藝術。此外,有網站regiftable.com提供禮物循環再用的資訊。
