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( 2012-11-16 )

      Discipline用作名詞解紀律、風紀或教養,例如︰The students of this school have good discipline.(這學校的學生很有紀律。)            Discipline也解懲罰,例如︰A little discipline would do this naughty boy a lot of good.(略加懲戒對這個頑皮的男孩有很大好處。)
      Discipline也用作動詞,解懲罰,例如︰The teacher disciplined the students for violating school rules.(老師懲戒犯了校規的學生。)

      Start small

      首先是start small(從小事開始)︰
      If you have a little trouble with self-discipline and want to work on it, the best thing you can do is to start small, which generally means picking something you think you can succeed at.
      根據start small的策略,可先把目標訂為上班或上學時早一個站下車,然後步行到上班的地點或學校,目標不高,較容易實行,持之以恆的機會就大得多。
      Start small也有另一個意思,就是one thing at a time(同一時間只定一個目標)。
      Another thing you can do is to try picking just one thing. Quite often we find ourselves overwhelmed with life and all the things we think we are supposed to be doing, and in response promise ourselves that we'll straighten everything out right away and then find ourselves failing again at all of them.
      Overwhelm解使受不了、使不知所措,overwhelmed with life就是給生活的煩擾事壓得透不過氣。Straighten out是解決,straighten everything out right away是立即解決所有問題。這又或會令我們掉進目標定得太高的陷阱。
      One way out of this is to pick just one thing to work on. Say it's paying bills on time. Forget killing yourself(給自己太大壓力) trying to get to places on time or whatever else it is that you worry about.
      Set up a date and time to pay those bills and don't let any of the other stuff(事情、事務) get in the way. Getting those bills paid on time a few months in a row(連續的) can make you feel more sure of yourself and able to tackle(應付) other things.

      Don't talk about it. Quite often when we make up our minds to do something, one of the first things we do is to go around telling everyone we know what we are going to do. Or not do, if that's the case. Try not to do this. It serves no useful purpose(沒有好處) and in fact can undermine(暗中破壞) your resolve(決心).
Brian Tracy的No Excuses!: The Power of Self-discipline,可助你增強自律。
