雅思考生在描述小作文中題目所給的資訊時,務必含括圖表細節並對重點加以評述,如此考官便能清楚明白考生表述了哪些是極其重要的特點(critically important features)。寫作內容若不夠詳細,那就如同“隔靴搔癢”,讓人讀起來既不痛快更白費力氣。細節亦須加以比較(compare and contrast)並說出時間點(time period),圖表所示之趨勢(trends)也須着墨,讀者會更易明瞭您的思路及欲表達之意。
1. 如何完整描述資訊:資訊的完整性取決於以下三點:
a. 陳述(statement): Computer sales increased dramatically.
b. 資料資料(data): between 2000 and 2005 / from two to three million
c. 評論(comment): a rise of 50% / a significant growth
Between 2000 and 2005, computer sales increased dramatically, from two to three million. This was a rise of 50%, quite a significant growth.
Sales of computers showed a significant growth, rising from two to three million between 2000 and 2005 - an increase of 50%.
a. The number of candidates taking IELTS increased again
b. in 2010 from 355,000 to well over 475,000
c. a rise of 34%
The number of candidates taking IELTS increased again in 2010 from 355,000 to well over 475,000 - a rise of 34%.
考生須引用資料(data)作為例子(examples)以支持其論點(support your description),再作出評論(comment)以示您瞭解所描述的重點為何。
首先,找出圖表趨勢走向(identify the trend):Computer production increased
並且,含括證據(include evidence): from 1000 to 1250 units
再者,寫出時間(include the period):for the first six months of 2012
最後,下評論(include comment):This is a growth of 25%
2. 運用多樣詞彙: 詞彙的多樣性能讓文章更生動活潑。在描述趨勢及重點時,考生可用“形容詞+名詞”的形式或“動詞+副詞”的寫法:
a. 形容詞+名詞:
From 2000 until 2005, there was a gradual increase in computer sales in Canada, from two to three million - a growth of 50%.
b. 動詞+副詞:
From 2000 until 2005, computer sales in Canada increased gradually from two to three million - a growth of 50%.