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推薦閱讀——Recommended Reading
( 2012-11-09 )

      不可以把閱讀變成競賽,也不一定要讓孩子去讀象像《傲慢與偏見》或狄更斯的著作等所謂的經典名著。雖然1995年BBC版電視連續劇《傲慢與偏見》有很高的觀賞性,但是原著卻令人難以卒讀。因為查理斯•狄更斯的作品篇幅長(他的稿酬是以章節多少計算的),而且很無聊。(20世紀作家Evelyn Waugh在他的著名小說《A handful of dust》(一捧塵土)中,把閱讀查理斯•狄更斯的作品形容為一種“導向慢性瘋狂的酷刑”)。
      1. Howl's Moving Castle(哈爾的移動城堡) – Diana Wynne Jones
      2. Harry Potter Series(哈利波特系列) – J.K Rowling
      3. Hunger Games(饑餓遊戲) – Suzanne Collins
      4. Roald Dahl's children's books(Roald Dahl的兒童文學作品)
      5. Keeping the Moon (留住月亮)– Sarah Dessen (一本給女孩子寫的書)
      6. Holes(別有洞天) - Louis Sachar
      7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (銀河系漫遊指南)– Douglas Adams
      8. Coraline(卡羅蘭) – Neil Gaiman
      9. Good Omens(好兆頭) – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
      10. Companions of the Night (深夜來客)– Vivian Vande Velde  (吸血鬼!為喜歡“暮光之城”的同學,但是這一本有着更好的人物、情節和英文)。
      Most parents want their kids to read a little more. This wishful thinking is prevalent across all cultures and       parents are especially concerned in our Internet age where books have been relegated to a chore and demoted to a past-time of the 90s.
      For parents with ESL teens, this plight of reading is serious and worrisome. It is admittedly hard to get regular English speaking teens to read, how can educators and parents increase an interest in reading for those already struggling?
      First of all, it is important that parents check how they are encouraging their children to read.  In the West, reading used to be a favourite pastime and a form of entertainment besides sports and movies.  If parents want their kids to read more, they need to make sure they are not undermining their child's sense of enjoyment while reading. Do not make reading a competition and stop making kids read so- called classics like "Pride and Prejudice" or Charles Dicken's.  "Pride and Prejudice", although highly enjoyable as a 1995 Drama from the BBC, is hard to get through in its original novel form.  Charles Dicken's works are lengthy (he got paid per chapter) and prone to cause boredom (The 20th century writer, Evelyn Waugh used reading Charles Dickens' work as a slow form of madness inducing torture in his great novel, "A Handful of Dust").  Personally, I compare making youth learn English through 18th and 19th English literature with when my father tried to teach me Chinese with I-Ching, painful and guaranteed a low rate of success.
      In fact, I would not recommend starting with classical or even great modern literature at all. Instead, kids should be encouraged to read anything they like as long as it's in English. From cereal boxes, comics, teen books, science and science fiction to newspaper or blog articles. As long as it's in English, learning will happen. I do especially recommend comic books to ESL teens. The pictures can help students guess word meanings, are generally more engaging and the content in comics are at a level that youth can appreciate in contrast to starting with kiddy elementary books.  Some English comics are very serious and well crafted pieces of literary work.
      Another point that I would like to stress to parents is the need for parents to be active in building good reading habits in their kids. Parents should make reading a family activity or at the very least make sure that their child is reading when they say they are.
      As a final tip, I have made a list of some the most enjoyable books that I read in my youth and also taken into account some of my student's suggestions:
      1. Howl's Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones
      2. Harry Potter Series – J.K Rowling
      3. Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins
      4. Roald Dahl's children's books
      5. Keeping the Moon – Sarah Dessen (A great book for teen girls)
      6. Holes - Louis Sachar
      7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
      8. Coraline – Neil Gaiman
      9. Good Omens – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
      10. Companions of the Night – Vivian Vande Velde  (Vampires! For those that like Twilight but want better characters, plot and English).

