• 字體:

( 2012-11-09 )

      Your friend has been waiting for you at the International Arrivals area in the airport. He has just spotted you coming through the arrival gate.

      A: Hi, Jane! Welcome to Canada!
      B: Thanks, Peter. Good to see you. How are you?
      A: Very well, thanks.
      B: And who do we have here, Peter?
      A: Jane, I've got a big surprise for you...  Sally, I'd like you to meet my very good friend Jane. Jane, this is       Sally, my new bride... We just got married a few weeks ago!
      B: Wow! This is a surprise! Sally, it's a great pleasure to meet you.
      C: It's wonderful to meet you too, Jane. I've heard so much about you.
      B: Congratulations to both of you! We'll have to celebrate as soon as we can.
      A: Jane, let me help you with your bags. My car is parked nearby.

      A: That's all right. One moment please and I'll connect you.
              ****( Ring! Ring! )****
      C: Hello!
      A: This is a collect call for Mrs Hill from Mr Ken Kinishi. Will you accept the charges?
      C: Yes!
      A: Mr Kinishi, go ahead please.
      B: Hello, Mrs Hill. This is Ken Kinishi speaking.
      C: Hello, Ken. I'm so glad to hear from you. Where are you?
      B: I've just arrived in Vancouver. I'll be departing for Toronto at 4:45 this afternoon as scheduled. Will you be able to pick me up at 10:45 tonight?
      C: Certainly, I'll be there to meet you.
      B: Thank you. See you soon.
      C: Have a good flight! Bye for now!



      Language Notes 註解:
      (1) Good to see you——再見到朋友時表示歡喜的客氣語。
      (2) Surprise——出乎意料的事。
      (3) I'd like you to meet……——“我想你認識…”。這是介紹朋友互相認識時的常用語。
      (4) Bride——新娘。
      (5) It's a great pleasure to meet you——很高興認識你,是認識新朋友時用的客氣語。與It's wonderful to meet you意思相同。
      (6)  Congratulations——恭喜。
      (7) Celebrate——慶祝。
      (8) Nearby——附近。

      本欄資料取材自《新移民英語》Survival English for New Canadians