Describe a vehicle you would like to own in the future. You should say
• what kind of vehicle it is
• what you would use it for
• and explain why you would like to buy it
在回答前,讓我們先將vehicle此字定義厘清(摘自Wikipedia維基百科):A vehicle is a mobile machine(具移動功能的機器) that is designed or used to transport(運送) passengers (乘客) or cargo(貨物). Vehicles多屬人造的(manufactured),包括bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats and aircraft。要注意的是,不行駛於陸地的vehicles通常字裡帶有"craft"詞綴,如: watercraft(船),aircraft(飛機),和spacecraft(宇航器)。接着在描述此卡片題時,以下三點建議供考生參考:
1. 儘快決定欲描述的交通工具為何。多數考生會選擇描述車輛,但如想發揮創意,不妨說說飛機(airplane)或直升機(helicopter),答案是否現實或具可行性並不重要。
2. 仔細回答每個子項目,儘量向考官描述您所選的交通工具,如車子品牌(make)、顏色、外觀、車內設計(interior design)及所附設備(gadget)。
3. 說說個人經驗或故事:想像您會駕駛此交通工具去哪兒,選擇飛機或直升機的好處是答案可以較創新及有想像力。
• If I were a millionaire(百萬富翁), I'd like to buy a helicopter. I recently saw a movie about someone who flew around(到處遨遊飛翔) in his own helicopter, and I remember thinking how amazing it would be to have one. The helicopter in the movie was a large, red, two-seater(兩個座位的直升機) and it seemed rather easy to fly - that's the kind of vehicle I'd like to purchase.
• I deally speaking(理想地說), I'd use my helicopter instead of a car. First, I'd need to learn to fly it, but then I'd use it to go on short trips(短程旅行) or holidays. It would be fantastic(棒的;美妙的) to be able to avoid(閃避) traffic jams(塞車), and get everywhere in a fraction of the time(在極短時間內) it normally takes. I'd take friends and family sightseeing (觀光) over continents or oceans.
• One of the reasons I'd like to have a helicopter is that you can park it almost anywhere. You don't need to find a runway(跑道) or an airport like you would for a plane. So I'd be able to park my helicopter in my garden if I had a bigger garden. Also, I've always been intrigued(對…着迷) by those helipads (直升機停機坪) on the tops of tall buildings. I think it would be fun to land on top of a building. A helicopter probably isn't a realistic(不現實的) choice of vehicle, but who knows what the future holds(但誰知道未來會如何呢). I might win the lottery!