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Hong Kong backs down over Chinese patriotism classes 中國愛國課程 香港政府讓步
( 2012-09-28 )

  The Hong Kong (n.香港) government has backed down (v.讓步) over plans to make schoolchildren (n.學童) take Chinese (adj.中國的) patriotism (n.愛國) classes, after weeks of protests (n.抗議).
  City leader Leung Chun-ying (n.梁振英) said the classes would be optional (adj.可選擇的) for schools.
  Critics (n.批評者) said the plans were an attempt to brainwash (v.洗腦) the city's children by the Chinese government in Beijing (n.北京).
  Anti(adj.反對的)-Beijing sentiment (n.情緒) has been on the rise (n.上升) in semi(adj.一半的)-autonomous (adj.自治的) Hong Kong.
  The government's surprise (adj.突然的) announcement (n.宣布) has led some to speculate (v.揣測) it is a move (n.舉動) directly timed (v.安排時間) to influence the elections (n.選舉) on Sunday in favour (n.支持) of pro(adj.支持的)-government legislators (n.立法會議員), our correspondent (n.通訊員) says.
  According to (prep.根據) AFP (n.法新社) news agency (n.新聞社), course (n.課程) material funded (v.資助) by the government extolled (v.讚頌) the benefits (n.益處) of one-party (adj.一黨的) rule, equated (v.等同) multi-party (adj.多黨的) democracy (n.民主政制) to chaos (n.混亂), and glossed over (v.掩飾) events like the Tiananmen (n.天安門) Square (n.廣場) crackdown (n.鎮壓).
  The climbdown (n.讓步) came a day after activists (n.社運人士) said more than 100,000 protesters (n.示威者) had rallied (v.集會) at government headquarters (n.總部).                     (BBC, September 8)




      1. back down (v) /'bæk 'daʊn/,back-
     DOWN 讓步、認輸
      解讀:back down也可說作back off,意思都是讓步、認輸,後面可用from或on帶出從什麼環境讓步,或是在什麼問題上認輸,例如back down / off from the confrontation是從對峙中讓步,back down / off on this issue是在這個課題上認輸;連成一字的backdown是名詞,近義詞便是末段的climbdown。
      2. extol (v) /Ik'stəʊl/,iks-TOLL 讚頌、稱道
      解讀::extol即praise highly,但它是個較正統的字,不會在日常對話或行文中用到;除了文中extol something外,另一常用句式是extol something / somebody as something,例如extol that little boy as a prodigy(讚譽那小男孩為神童)。
      3. gloss over (v) /'gl  s 'əʊvə/,gloss      
      OH-va 掩飾、搪塞
      解讀:作名詞的gloss可解作光澤、光亮,以至產生光澤的物質,例如lip gloss是唇彩;它尚可指虛假的外表、虛飾;動詞gloss解作註釋、評註,而gloss over則跟名詞意思相近,解作掩飾,亦即製造虛假的外表。