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125 Harvard students may have cheated exam 哈佛125名學生 考試涉嫌作弊
( 2012-09-21 )

  Harvard (n.哈佛) University (n.大學) revealed (v.透露) Thursday what could be its largest cheating (n.作弊) scandal (n.醜聞) in memory, saying that about 125 students might have worked in groups on a take-home final exam (n.期終考) despite (prep.儘管) being explicitly (adv.明確地) required to work alone.
  The accusations (n.指控), related to a single undergraduate (n.本科生) class (n.課程) in the spring semester (n.學期), deal with "academic (adj.學業的) dishonesty (n.欺騙), ranging (v.包括) from inappropriate (adj.不恰當的) collaboration (n.合作) to outright (adj.徹底的) plagiarism (n.抄襲)," the administration (n.行政部門) said in a note (n.短箋) sent to students.
  Officials (n.要員) said that if the students were found to have cheated (v.作弊), they could be suspended (v.使停學) for a year. The students have been notified (v.通知) that they are suspected (v.懷疑) and will be called to give their accounts (n.解釋) in investigative (adj.調查的) hearings (n.聆訊).
  Administrators (n.行政人員) would not reveal the name of the class or even the department (n.學系), saying that they wanted to protect the identities (n.身份) of the accused (adj.被指控的) students. The Harvard Crimson (n.深紅色), the university's student newspaper, reported that it was a government class, Introduction to Congress (n.國會), which had 279 students.
(New York Times, August 30)


      1. cheat (v) /tʃi:t/,ch-EAT 欺騙、作弊
 解讀:cheat可泛指欺騙、蒙騙,例如cheat the taxman是欺騙稅務員,feel cheated是覺得受騙;cheat也常專指在考試、遊戲、比賽中作弊,例如cheat at cards是玩紙牌作弊,cheat in the test / exam是測驗/考試作弊;名詞是cheating。
      2. explicitly (adv) /Ik'splIsItli/,iks-PLISS-sit-lee 明確地、直截了當地
 解讀:形容詞explicit解作明確的、直截了當的,例如instructions should be more explicit(指示應當更明確),副詞便是explicitly,意思相似;explicit(ly)的反義詞是implicit(ly),解作含蓄的/地、不明確的/地。
      3. plagiarism (n) /'pleIdʒərIzəm/,PLAY-ja-ri-zum 抄襲、剽竊
 解讀:拉丁文plagiarius解作kidnapper(劫持者)、plunderer(搶劫者),變作英文的plagiarist則解作literary thief(文學上的竊賊),泛指抄襲者、剽竊者;名詞plagiarism便解作抄襲、剽竊;動詞是plagiarize / plagiarise,意思相若。