• 字體:

( 2012-09-21 )

Justin︰Oh, heavens! How can it be? What happened to our previously skinny Tuby?
Tuby︰Don't make a fuss! I put on some weight during the summer holidays.
Justin︰Honestly, it seems that you get too tubby(圓潤的). Why don't you change your name from "Tuby" into "Tubby"? Hahaha...
Tuby︰Hey, do you know what you are talking about, huh? That's the limit!
Justin︰Wait Tubby ... er ... sorry Tuby. (Tuby left.) Oh, how I wish I could unsay(收回或取消之前所說過的話) these reckless(鹵莽的) words!
Justin︰Yo, Vanessa. Your eyes look so red and puffy(浮腫的). What is it?
Vanessa︰Woo ... woo ... woo.... Last night I went to the washroom without switching on the lights and I stepped onto something. I took a look at my slippers and I saw the most terrible thing ever happened in my life ~~ I crushed my Baby! Oh poor little thing...
Justin︰Oops ... I don't even know that you have a child!
Vanessa︰No silly, it's my pet cockroach that I am talking about, and her name is "Baby".
Justin︰(Gosh! What a weird pet!) Well, it's sad news, but don't dwell on it, okay?
Vanessa︰It's very kind of you to console(安慰) me with such soft words. She gave birth to 30 babies last week. I shall take really good care of them for my deceased(已故的) Baby!
Justin︰Er ... yes... (Yuck! I would definitely faint if there were 30 cockroaches in my room!)

Don't make a fuss! (別大驚小怪!)
例句:Don't make a fuss about my new hairstyle.(請別對我的新髮型大驚小怪。)
That's the limit! (這已是極限了!)
  被觸怒了!忍無可 忍時可怎樣表達?要表示生氣或不高興,除了"That's the limit!",還可說:
That's the last straw!(我再也受不住了!)
It really makes me mad.(這真叫我惱火了。)
How I wish... (我是多麼的希望……)
  這句中的"How"表示感歎,意思是“多麼”;而後面的是I wish + that-clause的句型,在非正式文體中,that可省略。緊記!這句型中的wish並不解作want,而是表示說話者後悔事情不是另外一種情況,多指不可能或希望不大的事情。時態與條件句(表達低可能性或不可能發生的事情)一樣,都用Simple Past Tense。
例句︰(How) I wish (that) I were better looking.(但願我長得漂亮些。)
What is it? (什麼事?)
  同學悶悶不樂,“八卦”的你當然想知道原因啦!你可以問"What is it?"或以下用語:
Why are you in such low/poor spirits?(為何你的情緒那麼低落?)
Why are you so depressed/miserable?(為何你那麼沮喪?)
What happened?(發生了什麼事?)
What's up?(怎麼了?)
Don't dwell on it.(別再想了。)
  知道對方發生了什麼事後,當然不能“揮揮衣袖”便溜了去啦!那麼要怎樣安慰他人才好呢?除了"Don't dwell on it.",還可說:
Let it pass.(過去了就不要再想了。)
Cheer up.(振作起來。)
Brace up!(提起精神!)
It's very kind of you...(你真是好……)
  這是一個形容詞句型。這句中的"kind"是表示人物個性特點(personal qualities)的形容詞,因此後面的介系詞是of,句型如下︰
"It is/was" + adjective (personal qualities) + "of" + Object + to-infinitive
"How" + adjective (personal qualities) + "of" + Object + to-infinitive
例句:How silly of me to have stepped on my Baby!(我是多麼的愚蠢啊!竟然踏到了我的嬰孩!)
  但若句子中的形容詞表達的是客觀事物的特性(impersonal qualities),形容詞後面的介系詞則用for,句型如下︰
"It is/was" + adjective (impersonal qualities) + "for" + Object + to-infinitive
例句:It is necessary for all of you to finish your summer assignment before the new term begins.(你們必須在新學年開始前完成暑期作業。)
勿寫:All of you are necessary to finish your summer assignment before the new term begins.