• 字體:

( 2012-09-21 )

      做人做事,要有始有終,ESL  learners要懂得以最洽當的words and expressions流利地表達beginning開始和finishing結束的意思。
      開門見山, 英語人士踫頭,打開話匣子的opening remarks是er, gosh, hell, I mean, look, you know。演講時開場白是Ladies and gentlemen。
      英語的Begin ,同義詞有start, commence, open, establish, launch, embark, found, inaugurate, initiate。 
      英語的Finish,同義詞有end, complete, conclude, settle, finalize, kill, axe, abort,  dismantle, eradicate。 
      這一組完成或結束的同義詞, 留意用法:The verb "finalize" is best avoided where finish, complete,   conclude, settle etc., would be adequate or more appropriate。我們應該說The preparatory work must be finished (not finalized) as soon as possible.
      開始BEGINNING/ START雖然通常都指起初階段或第一部份,兩者稍有分別:
      Beginning是個常用詞,例如一個月初頭幾天。 A good beginning is half the battle良好的開端是成功的一半。
      Start多指某事顯要的,或許是突然的、起初的階段,開頭的行動,如賽跑的起跑,或新生活的開始。The runners lined up at the start賽跑者在起跑幾上排成一行。
      begin with意思是“從…做起”,“先做…”: 例如:Let's begin with the first paragraph。
      to begin with意思是“首先”,“第一”:例如: We can't give Paul the position; to begin with, he is too young; secondly he is not suitable 。 
      Right from the beginning指從一開始; beginnings指前兆或初級階段; the beginning of the end指結束的前兆或結局的開始  the first sign of something ending。
      說到Begin, Start, Commence三個同義字用法的分別: 
      BEGIN較常用於英語口語 ,more common than START in spoken English。Begin常用於一系列事情的開始when you are describing a series of events :The story begins with the birth of the princess。
      Start, 亦多用於"to start a journey" 出發、"to start something happening"開展一項事務或組織、"to start a car or machine working"使車輛和機器運轉等情況,而begin則不包含這些意思。  
      Commence is very formal,用法很正式,通常不用於口語。Its opposite is conclude. 如The meeting will commence at 9 a.m. and conclude at 1 p.m. 
      至於和BEGINNING有關的slang俚語idiomatic expressions慣用語,多以動詞開始,例如GET, SET, GO。
Get cracking即刻及盡快開始行事;get something off the ground順利把某事付諸實踐,尤其是歷經艱辛策劃成事的工作;get the ball rolling/get into gear開始採取有效的方法應付某事;get off the mark盡快開始採取行動。Other “get” idioms include: get going/get moving/get the show on the road/get off with a bang/get underway/get down to business,均表示get on with something。 
      Set about開始做/set off出發/set yourself up創業/set the wheels in motion啟動。
      Go out of the starting blocks表示成功開始做某事。這句成語來自體育用語,短跑手開始起步時,把雙腳放在兩塊叫做 starting blocks的起跑器上面,幫助他以更快的速度開跑。其他beginning idioms還有:go at it/go ahead with something/go back to the drawing board/go out of the starting gate。
      再者,講到和 FINISHING結束或完成有關的英文俚語和成語也很多,舉一些以FINISH這個動詞開頭的例子: 
      to finish doing something做完或結束某事/finish off 完成最後部份/ finish something off 徹底摧毀、耗盡、吃完/ finish somebody off殺死/ finish with somebody與某人斷絕關係或不再跟他打交道/finish up以…終結 end up in a particular place or situation / finish something up吃完或喝完 。
      還有其他3個非常有用,表達停止或結束的英文成語 : 
      call it a day退休,或者你決定不再繼續,通常因為你感到疲倦或者對某事感到煩厭。call it quits決定停止,或者同意停止比賽和終止爭論。bring down the curtain or bring the curtain down on something。傳統上戲院會在幕與幕之間,或全劇演畢時,落下舞台前面的布幕。 標誌着某件事結束了,可以用得上這句成語。
      篇幅所限,到此為至, Let's wrap it up and say goodbye。