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青少年online gambling新問題
( 2012-09-14 )

      加拿大McGill大學International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors(青少年賭博問題與高危行為國際中心)的總監Jeffrey Derevensky說,網上賭博(online gambling)正高速增長,而新客戶中大多是青少年。其中最流行的是網上撲克遊戲(online poker)。

      While some may see little harm in allowing kids to engage in such play in an already gaming-crazed culture, Derevensky said it can pave the way to potentially more problematic and costly habits.
      "You're playing for points or you're playing for fictitious(假的) money and you're winning thousands of       thousands of dollars, the natural inclination(傾向) is for us to say, 'Gee, imagine had I only been playing for real money,'" he said. 
      A study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health released in 2010 found that 29,000 middle and high school students in Ontario reported behaviors linked with problem gambling(問題賭博).
Nearly half of the students in Grades 7 to 12 reported participating in at least one form of gambling, while almost three per cent showed signs of a gambling problem. The most commonly reported activities were       betting on card games and buying lottery tickets(買彩票).
"You think you're going to win more, you're going to go again. And then you start to achieve with the phantom(鬼影般的) idea that you're going to recuperate(收復) your losses which will never, ever, ever happen."
孩子若有賭博的問題,行為上是有信號的,這些包括︰缺課或無交功課、成績驟降、忽然無心向學、說謊、借錢或甚至偷錢、經常想賭博、性情發生變化、情緒波動等,家長可以多加留意。Diane Davis的Taking Back Your Life,教人如何走出賭博的深淵。