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Anger boils overv怒火中燒
( 2012-09-07 )

      Residents (n.居民) of at least 20 Chinese (adj.中國的) cities erupted (v.爆發) in anger (n.憤怒) yesterday after Japanese (adj.日本的) nationalists (n.民族主義者) landed and waved (v.揮動) flags on one of the disputed (adj.引起爭議的) Diaoyu islands (n.釣魚島).
      In Shenzhen (n.深圳), the anger turned to violence (n.暴力), with mobs (n.群眾) smashing (v.打破) windows and signboards (n.招牌) of Japanese shops, overturning (v.推翻) Japan(n.日本)-branded (adj.作牌子的) cars and calling for (v.呼籲) a boycott (n.抵制) of Japanese goods.
      Other protests (n.示威) erupted in Hong Kong (n.香港), Guangzhou (n.廣州), Chengdu (n.成都), Beijing (n.北京), Shanghai (n.上海), Hangzhou (n.杭州), Harbin (n.哈爾濱) and several other mainland (n.內地) cities.
      The Shenzhen protest drew (v.吸引) a crowd of between 2,000 and 3,000 who overturned Japanese vehicles (n.車輛), including at least one police car, and smashed the windows of Japanese restaurants.
      "Get out of the Diaoyu Islands. The Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory (n.領土)," they chanted (v.叫喊) as they burned a Japanese flag. They also chanted that all Chinese (n.中國人) should boycott Japanese goods.
      Many protesters (n.示威者) criticized (v.指責) the central government for not taking a stronger stance (n.立場) on Japan's claim (n.主權) to what it calls the Senkakus (n.尖閣諸島).
      In Hong Kong, the Federation (n.聯(合)會) of Trade Unions (n.工會) said 1,000 people joined its march.
      (The Standard, August 20)


      1. boil over (v) /'bɔIl 'əʊvə/,boil OH-va 爆發、大怒
       解讀:boil over可指一宗事件或一個情緒爆發,例如the argument boiled over into a war是指那爭論爆發成一場戰爭,又例如標題的anger boils over解作怒火中燒;boil over本身也可專指怒火中燒、勃然大怒。
      2. boycott (n) /'bɔIk t/,BOY-kot 抵制、杯葛
      解讀:十九世紀一名英國退休軍官Charles Boycott,受僱擔任農場經理,農民要求減田租,但他拒絕,因而受到農民抵制;boycott一字因而變成了普通英文字,解作抵制,尤指集體抵制,並令中文多了音譯的“杯葛”一詞。
      3. stance (n) /stæns/,STAN-s 立場、公開表明的觀點
       解讀:解作立場時,stance相當於position;採取某立場,可說adopt a stance或take (up) a stance;中立的立場,則可說impartial stance或neutral stance;此外,stance尚可解作站立姿勢,例如an upright stance是直立的站姿。