• 字體:

( 2012-09-07 )

      身體語言body language,可以通過肢體和姿勢human posture and gesture表達思想和感情thinking and feeling。
      BODY LANGUAGE is the process of communicating what you are thinking or feeling by the way you place  and move your body 。
      Understanding non-verbal communication is very important. 人際交往、溝通、互動,從解讀身體語言得來的非語言資訊non-verbal communication,往往比話語還多。這些肢體無聲的線索包括表情、眼神、姿態、手勢、觸摸等等。因此,準確地解讀interpret別人的身體語言和善用自己的身體語言,對於我們瞭解別人、傳遞資訊和作出準確的判斷都是極為重要的。
      英語學習方面,將parts  of the body身體和某些特定的動詞particular verbs連成一起,可以生動準確地表達emotion感情和attitude態度。
      Bvody language is a form of mental and physical ability of human non-verbal communication:
      你搖頭,表示不同意you shake your head, you are disagreeing;你點頭,表示同意you nod your head , you are agreeing; 你聳肩,表示不在乎 you shrug your shoulders, you are indifferent。
      You clench your fist when you are angry當你憤怒,你揮拳;you tap you fingers when you are impatient當你不耐煩,你敲打手指。
      You bite your lips, you lick your lips, you purse your lips,分別表達你精神緊張nervous,有所期待anticipating something good,不喜歡dislike等感情和態度。
      You are trembling with excitement, shivering with cold, twitching with sudden quick and uncontrollable movements都是常見的身體動作body movements 。
      肢體表情physical expressions like waving, pointing, touching are all forms of nonverbal communication無聲的身勢語。
      研究身體語言的大師Desmond Morris的著作《BODYTALK》分門別類,解讀了600個國際或個別地方的姿勢gestures,傳達不同的感情emotions、態度attitudes、訊息messages。These gestures are informal非正式 and are used in conversation 輔助談話or in lieu of words代替文字。
      有關眼睛、耳朵、鼻子的成語,都涉及身體器官的視覺seeing、聽覺hearing和嗅覺smelling等功能。ESL學習同時也要留心以下human organ  idioms其他方面的意思。
      吸引你的注目或留意,因為某人某事非常動人,或與眾不同,你可以說catch someone's eye  。
      keep your eye on the ball你持續高度關注正在進行中的工作。 
      keep your eyes open密切注意情況的發展,看看你可以做些什麼。
      keep your eyes peeled你非常注意某件事的進展,眼也不眨一下,不想錯過任何發生的事。
      你有時為了加重語氣,想表示你對某人或某事非常有興趣,集中注意力,全神貫注,你用眼睛,也用耳朵。Sometimes the emphasis, both for eyes and ears, is on giving your full attention to someone or something,例如:
      all eyes are on someone or something=everyone is watching someone or something人人都留心注視某人或某事,多數的原因是期望見到有事情發生,或者事情有新的發展。
      all ears=very eager to listen to what someone is going to say聚精會神地聽。
      如果你對人說:”I'm all ears” 表示“我洗耳恭聽”。
      有時你想強調你明白或知道事情的真相,用上eyes and ears眼睛和耳朵的成語便有:
      keep your ear to the ground  你設法掌握所有大眾做着或正在談論的事情。
      with your eyes wide open=understanding the true character of someone or something明白問題,心中有數。 
      hit right in the eye or hit you right between the eyes=  very easy to notice or very obvious to you很明顯,一目了然。
      Nose idioms鼻子的成語,很多和嗅覺有關,但也有一些強調鼻子前方的位置:
      follow your nose這句成語除了憑嗅覺指引,to be guided by your sense of smell ,還有另一個意思:to move forward一直向前走,或者跟隨最明顯的路線圖。
      poke your nose into something   或stick your nose into something指你插手和自己無關的事。
      lead someone by the nose指你完全操縱某人,牽着他的鼻子走。 
      鼻子成語也有涉及人際關係或社交關係social relationship的 :
      look down your nose at someone or something表示你不屑一顧,鄙視某人或某事,認為低你一等。
      thumb your nose at someone or something你以行動表示不尊重或鄙視某人。你將大拇指放上鼻樑,同時不停擺動其他4隻張開的手指,向別人做出粗魯無禮的手勢。
      turn up your nose at something拒絕你看不起的東西。
      身體語言的重要性,有求職專家Jeff Hauswirth說過,在job interview面試的頭15秒,你給人的第一印象,一覽無余:
      “A good portion of the impression has already been made within the first 15 seconds.”  
      During an interview, make sure you don’t mess up the first-impression factors you can control, like wardrobe, handshake and direct eye contact 。

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