Winter --by Jackie Zhang (Age 12)
(Grade 6 Archibald Blair Elementary)
As you wake up to the luscious fragrance of homemade blueberry pancakes, you rush to the frosty window ensnared by the blankets of the snow outside. The living room is overflowed with fabulous Christmas decorations and the enormous Christmas tree beside the toasty fireplace is proudly showing off its trendy bright lights. The kitchen is filled with Christmas dinner preparations and the aroma of hot chocolate flow around the house. As you prepare to go out into the world of white, you put on the fresh laundry from the dryer and those seconds of warmth toast up your bones.As soon as you open the front door to go outside, a welcoming snowball flies into your face as the rest of your friendstackle you with more snow.At night when the entire street lights are lit up and everyone’s at home with family and friends, you hear the light sound of sleigh bells and reindeers as Santa Clause fills the chimneys with presents and spread the night with Christmas cheers.
這是一篇以冬天為命題的描述性短文(Descriptive paragraph)。這篇文章的小作者Jackie Zhang 是六年級的小學生。作文的要求是利用imagery形象的描述法,其中包括視覺(sight)、嗅覺(smell)、聽覺(sound)、味覺(taste)、觸覺(touch)描述一個想像的冬天的景象。
小作者的描述充滿了想像力。其中每一個景象描述的句子中都包含英文文學寫作所要求的修辭手法。例如,第一個句子中就含有味覺(smell)的描述: “ the luscious fragrance”(藍莓餅濃郁的芳香)、視覺sight : “the frosty window ensnared by the blankets of the snow outside”(霜凍的玻璃窗反射着厚厚積雪的光亮)。再比如在屋內壁爐的描述中,小作者還會利用“personification”(擬人)的寫法:“the toasty fireplace is proudly showing off its trendy bright lights”(暖洋洋的壁爐自豪地炫耀着自己的炫目的光芒)。
Winter --by Annie Yang (Age 10)
(Grade 4 Cascade Heights Elementary)
White snow piling up a land full of cotton.
White snow is cold,
between my fluffy boots welcoming my feet.
The excited shouts of little kids.
Everyone throwing white snow balls.
A field of rosy faces sliding down the huge hill.
White beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky.
Tall, short and stout snowmen are everywhere.
Kids drinking hot chocolate in every house.
That is the winter life.
有了文學修辭的領路再加上僅有少兒才能擁有的無與倫比的想像力,冬天就變成了一幅令人嚮往、童話般的詩境。詩歌也可以給我們帶來的視覺的享受,例如小詩人Annie Yang 給我們描畫了一個“白雪堆積出的棉花的世界。”“White snow piling up a land full of cotton”(利用了personification 擬人and metaphor比喻的手法:美麗的白雪花空中飄落,高高、矮矮、胖嘟嘟的雪人遍佈四方。)“White beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky.Tall, short and stout snowmen are everywhere.”(sight 視覺描述: 形態和顏色)。滿天飛舞雪花的世界給成人都能帶來一種純淨的視覺享受。
兩個小作者都是中文姓氏,她們都是出生在中國移民家庭的第二代。但是,因為她們深入閱讀的書目中有小說《The Secret Garden》教會她們描述花園的景象;有《Black Beauty》教會她們從小馬的視角體會人與動物的關係;有《Heidi》教會她們如何描繪山脈、森林和草場;有《The Little Princess》教會她們如何做一個擁有善良之心、不畏人間苦難的少年。她們有可能成長為擁有中國姓氏的夏洛蒂(CharlotteBronte《簡愛》的作者)或簡•奧斯丁 (Jane Austin《傲慢與偏見》的作者)。