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Underground sect found in Russian city俄羅斯發現 地下教派
( 2012-08-31 )

      Seventy members of an Islamist (adj.伊斯蘭(教)的) sect (n.宗派) who have been living in an underground (adj.地下的) bunker (n.地下碉堡) without heat or sunlight for nearly a decade (n.十年) have been discovered living on the outskirts (n.市郊) of the city of Kazan (n.喀山) in Russia (n.俄羅斯), local (adj.本地的) media (n.傳媒) reported.
      The sect members included 20 children, the youngest of whom had just turned (v.到達歲數) 18 months. Many of them were born underground (adv.在地下) and had never seen daylight (n.日光) until the prosecutors (n.檢察官) discovered their dwelling (n.住所) on 1 August and sent them for health checks (n.檢查).
      The group - known as the "Fayzrahmanist (adj.菲爾扎拉曼的)" sect - was named after its 83-year-old organiser Fayzrahman (n.菲爾扎拉曼) Satarov (n.薩塔羅夫), who declared (v.聲稱) himself a prophet (n.先知) and his house an independent Islamic (adj.伊斯蘭(教)的) state (n.國土), according to a report by state (adj.國營的) TV channel (n.頻道) Vesti (n.新聞).
      His followers (n.信徒) were encouraged to read his manuscripts (n.手稿) and most were banned (v.禁止) from leaving their eight-storey (n.樓層) underground bunker which had been dug in the basement (n.地下室) of a building, Vesti said.
      Kazan is located (adj.位於……的) 497 miles (n.英里) east of Moscow (n.莫斯科) in Tatarstan (n.韃靼斯坦), a majority (n.大多數) Muslim (adj.伊斯蘭(教)的) internal Russian (adj.俄羅斯的) republic (n.共和國).
(The Independent, August 9)



      1. sect (n) /sekt/,SECK-t 宗派、教派
解讀:sect與宗教有關,專指一個宗教內的派別,例如Christian / Buddhist sect是基督教/佛教教派,fundamentalist sect是原教旨主義教派;它跟cult有點相似,但cult通常含貶義,而sect卻不一定。
      2. bunker (n) /'bΛŋkə/,BUNG-ka 地下碉堡、地堡
解讀:bunker通常都在地下(雖然不是一定),若要強調,便可如文中說underground bunker;此外,concrete bunker是混凝土碉堡,secret bunker是秘密碉堡;此外,bunker尚可指用作貯煤的煤箱或煤艙。
      3. outskirts (n) /'aʊtskз:ts/,OUT-skirts 市郊、市鎮的邊緣地帶
解讀:儘管單數outskirt在以前已可指市郊,但此字現時已發展為必須用複數形式outskirts出現;outskirts本身已可指市郊,但有時也會說作city outskirts,或outskirts of the city;當然也可在of後面說出城市名稱。