• 字體:

( 2012-08-31 )

Some useful BETTER IDIOMS :
Had  better='ought to' or 'should' , e.g. You had better close the window.   I'd better go. 
Against your better judgement = you do it although you think it is wrong.
For want of a better word= it is not quite the exact or suitable word but there is no better one
Have seen better days= is old and not working well
Think better of something=decide not to do what one has intended to do
One's better half=one's wife or husband
作為GOOD字的superlative form最高級形容詞, BEST has the following meanings:
1. better than all others in quality, skill, or value最上等的,最出色的,最優秀的。
He won the best actor award.他贏得最出色演員獎。
2. most appropriate, useful, or helpful
He is the best man for the job.他是擔任這項工作的最佳人選。
3. the most enjoyable; happiest最快樂的。
Those days were the best of my life.那些日子是我一生中最幸福的時光。
請記住,BEST is also the superlative form of WELL.
用作副詞BEST used as ADVERB,意思有:
1. In the best way. 例如: She is the best dressed woman in the party.舞會中最佳穿戴的女士。
The one who does best will get the prize.幹得最好的將獲獎。
 2. MOST=to the greatest degree or extent。例如最著名的電影名明星best known movie star,最受人愛戴的歌手 the best loved singer。
用作名詞BEST used as NOUN最少有3個意思:
1. the best = the best person or thing最好的人或事物。For example:
We were the best of friends.最要好的朋友。
I feel that I have the best of both worlds.兩全其美,兩頭受益。
These three are the best of the bunch. 一堆人中較好的三個。
2. someone's or something's most effective, capable, or successful condition最佳狀態,最能幹的表現,最優秀的品質, e.g. at your best盡你最大的努力,例如完成一件事。
值得留意的是 at best = assuming the most favourable conditions。即是說 the thing is not very good. So this phrase has a different meaning from at your best。
At the best = if the best happens至多如此,充其量而已,未必最好。例如反應不算熱烈,你只能漠然置之,你可說:The response was, at best, cool。  
3. the highest level that you can do or achieve最高標準。For example:
Just do your best.盡力而為。
His time in the race was a personal best = it was the fastest time he had ever achieved運動員個人最高的成績,跑手最快的紀錄。
All the best = a phrase to wish someone good luck, etc.一切順利.
To make the best of something = to obtain the best results from a poor, unpromising situation隨遇而安,既來之則安之.
As best you can = not perfectly but as well as you are able盡可能,盡力而為.
At your best = 處於最佳狀態。
This is a good page of sound advice for correct solutions. Better luck next time for accident-free writing and speaking. All the best。

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