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為什麼孩子變得像trauma victim?
( 2012-08-31 )

      在放任和嚴厲之間如何取得適當平衡,就是最頭痛的問題。就算家長的出發點有多良好,教導孩子的方法都可以出錯。美國心理醫生Madeline Levine認為今天的孩子出現種種問題,就是家長的觀念和教育制度走錯方向所致。
      那這一代的孩子有什麼問題呢?在Madeline Levine的著作Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success中這麼說:
      One academically talented girl in Levine's care is knocked off her feet by self-loathing and grief after she's rejected from a particularly desirable college. 
      Other kids cheat, take drugs, drink, shut down or, worse still, keep up their tightrope act of parent-pleasing, Ivy-aiming high achievement while quietly, invisibly dying inside. 
      Loath是不喜歡的、不願意的,例如︰He is loath to leave the house when it is cold outside.(天氣冷他就不喜歡出外。)Self-loathing則解自我憎恨。一位學能高的女孩子因為考不進心儀大學就像被打垮一樣,終日自怨自艾、傷心不已。

      Madeline Levine認為其中一個問題是我們對“成功”下了錯誤定義。而家長有意或無意地引導孩子追求家長心目中的“成功”,令他們走進死胡同:
      "The cost of this relentless(無休止的) drive to perform at unrealistically(不切實際地) high levels is a generation of kids who resemble nothing so much as trauma victims(創傷的受害者).
      They become preoccupied(過分專注) with events that have passed - obsessing endlessly on a possible wrong answer or a missed opportunity. They are anxious and depressed and often self-medicate with drugs or alcohol.
      Sleep is difficult and they walk around in a fog of exhaustion. Other kids simply fold their cards(放棄) and refuse to play." 
      書中談的不是"tiger moms versus coddling moms"(“虎媽對嬌養媽”)教孩子方式的辯論,而是從根本去看應該給孩子的是什麼。