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( 2012-08-24 )

       加拿大總理哈珀(Prime Minister Stephen Harper)出訪歐洲,和德國總理默克爾(Chancellor Angela Merkel)會晤,她支持加拿大與歐盟的自由貿易協議,贏得哈珀的好感。啥珀說:
       “One of the things I appreciate about Chancellor Merkel's leadership is the willingness to find correct and good solutions.”
       Good solutions當然是好事。Something that is good is pleasant, acceptable, or satisfactory.
       The comparative form is better and the superlative form is best.
       GOOD 雖然是英語中最普通的一個字,但是USE and MISUSE of GOOD for WELL值得ESL learners留意。
       避免兩者用法混淆,最簡單最易記的幾個原則,Good and Well分別在於:
       GOOD is never an adverb. WELL is very commonly an adverb.
       If you want to say that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent, you use WELL, not GOOD. e.g. He speaks English well. His English is good.
       WELL 同時又可以是形容詞Well is also an adjective. If you are well, you are healthy and not ill. e.g. He looked well. I am very well, thank you.
       行文方面,English native speakers英語本地人不知不覺也往往犯上文法上的錯誤。
       A common observation of ACCIDENT OF STYLE (語法應用上失手): 
       Many athletes are fond of saying that things went good. The correct word here should be well.
       1. When it is an activity being described, use well.
       2. When it is a condition or a passive state being described, use good.
       3. When you dress well, you look good.
       4. When a meal has been cooked well, it tastes good.
       5. WELL may also mean good health. So you may tell your doctor that you feel good or well, as you please. Both are correct.
       6. In casual speech, you can say real good, but in writing, you should always be really good.
       1. of a higher standard in quality.他的表現越來越好:His performance is getting better and better。
       2. more able or skilled能力更強,更熟練。
       3. more suitable or appropriate更合適,更得體。
       1. SUPERIOR品質上佔優勢  higher in quality or nature than another
       e.g. The company's success is due to their superior product.公司成功由於產品優勝。
       The appeal of this product is due to its superior quality. 產品由於質優吸引顧客。
       2. FINER更佳 of superior quality, skill, or appearance
       e.g. This brand of coffee is finer  than any other brand.這精品咖啡比其他牌子更佳。
       3. PREFERABLE較適合,更可取 more attractive and desirable than others
       e.g.  Many people find country life preferable to living in the city.很多人覺得鄉村生活比都市生活稱心滿意得多。
       4. EXCEPTIONAL卓越的,異常的 well above average
       e.g. The fruit harvest is exceptional this year.今年蔬果異常豐收。             

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