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Curiosity rover successfully lands on Mars “好奇號”探測車 成功登陸火星
( 2012-08-24 )

      The US (n.美國) space (n.太空) agency (n.專責部門) has just landed (v.使陸) a huge new robot (adj.機械的) rover (n.深測車) on Mars (n.火星).
      The one-tonne (n.公噸) vehicle (n.車輛), known as Curiosity (n.好奇), was reported to have landed in a deep crater (n.(隕石)坑) near the planet(n.行星)'s equator (n.赤道) at 06:32 BST (n.英國夏令時間).
      It will now embark (v.開始) on a mission (n.任務) of at least two years to look for evidence (n.證據) that Mars may once have supported life.
      A signal (n.信號) confirming (v.證實) the rover was on the ground safely was relayed (v.轉送) to Earth (n.地球) via (prep.透過) Nasa(n.美國太空總署)'s Odyssey (n.奧德賽) satellite (n.(人造)衛星), which is in orbit (n.軌道) around the Red Planet (n.“紅行星”、火星).
      The success was greeted (v.作出反應) with a roar (n.吼叫) of approval (n.贊同) here at mission control (n.控制(室)) at the Jet (n.噴射) Propulsion (n.推進) Laboratory (n.實驗室) (JPL) in Pasadena (n.帕薩迪納), California (n.加州).
      Within minutes, the robot was returning (v.送返) its first low-resolution (n.解像度) images (n.圖片) - showing us its wheels and views to the horizon (n.地平).
      The descent (n.降落) through the atmosphere (n.大氣層) after a 570-million-km journey from Earth had been billed (v.宣傳為) as the "seven minutes of terror (n.恐怖)".
(BBC, August 7)



      1. curiosity (n) /'kjʊəri'  sIti/,kew-a-ri-OSS-sit-tee 好奇、好奇心
 解讀:對某事的好奇心,可在curiosity後面用about帶出,例如curiosity about the universe是指宇宙的好奇心;出於好奇心,常說out of curiosity,例如:Babies do many things out of curiosity(嬰孩做很多事,都是出於好奇心)。
      2. rover (n) /'rəʊvə/,ROH-va 漫遊者、探測車
 解讀:動詞rove解作漫遊、流浪,例如rove around town是在城中漫遊,rove the countryside是在鄉郊流浪;名詞rover本指漫遊者、流浪者,指的是一個人,不過它也可指這樣的車輛,在太空探險中常指探測車。
      3. crater (n) /'kreItə/,KRAY-ta 火山
 解讀:在地球上,crater多解作火山口,即a large hole in the top of a volcano;但在不少星球上,由於沒有火山,crater自然不會解作火山口,而是指由隕石之類的物體撞擊而成的坑;在月球上,crater則中譯作“環形山”。