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( 2012-08-17 )

      A fat cat便是指非常富裕,有權有勢,但行事手法有時不依正途的大肥貓:a person who has great wealth and lives in lavish style. A cat burglar翻牆入室的竊賊,類似中國俗語的樑上君子:a thief who enters a building by climbing up walls and pipes. Cat nap是小睡。Cat call是觀眾對表演不滿的噓聲。Cat's eye是貓眼石。Catwalk是時裝模特兒表演時行走的天橋。Cat's meow, cat's pajamas, cat's whisker三者都是指最佳人選或最美妙的事。
      成語的形成,往往有比喻的成份:Idioms are typically metaphorical. They are effective metaphors which become fixed。
      貓的simile比喻,非常有趣:坐立不安,如坐針毯,像熱鍋上的螞蟻,種種比喻nervous and restless緊張焦慮的心情,可以用兩句意思一樣的成語來形容:Like a cat on hot bricks 或 like a cat on a hot tin roof。後者也是美國著名劇作家Tennessee Williams田納西威廉斯膾炙人口的名作。
      Like the cat that got the cream貓兒舔牛奶,看起來十非滿足及快樂。Like the cat that ate the canary洋洋得意,躊躇滿志:very pleased with yourself, may annoy other people unintentionally。Like a scalded cat行動非常快捷,好像快得太突然,令人驚魂未定。
      當你不喜歡某個來訪的客人或不贊成他,你可以用look like something the cat dragged,輕鬆的口吻,表達這個意思。 If you grin like a Cheshire cat 你咧着嘴巴傻笑,通常由於你對自己的表現,很心滿意足。
      成語考源,looking for idioms' origins and their background,往往可以增加我們對語言後面文化背景深一層的認識。最近我負責繙譯一部Harper Collins出版社的英文成語字典的中譯工作,體驗特別深刻。例如傾盆大雨raining cats and dogs這句成語的出處,便有幾個有趣的故事。這句形象化成語的背景,有3個可能的解釋,但是沒有一個可以充分確定:
      1. 傾盤大雨時,過去英國倫敦市政工程差劣,去水道做成非常嚴重的水浸,很多貓貓狗狗當場溺死。
      2.希臘文catadupe的意思是waterfall (瀑布), a downpour。所以it's  raining like a waterfall這句話的原意,可能指雨下得好似瀑布一般大。
      3.北歐神話Norse myth中的貓貓狗狗,和暴風雨的神靈有關連:Cats have great influence on weather and the dog is the symbol of wind, hence the cat denotes heavy rain and the dogs strong wind guts。
      DOG狗忠於主人的特征,令狗成為人類最忠實最珍愛的伴侶。但狗的負面形象,在英文成語中,同時也根深蒂固:It's a dog's life是潦倒落魄的日子,也可以是不快意或很沉悶的工作:a difficult, boring and unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment。A dog's dinner亂七八糟,沒有系統。假如你被人指責為a dog-in-the-manger表示你自私,對你無用或者未能享用的東西,也想辦法令到別人享受不到:you are an individual, who, out of sheer meanness, keeps something desired by others。
      如果說西方人眼中貓的特征是敏捷、機靈、懂事,狗在傳統西方語言中的特征是: unattractive, unsuccessful and generally unlikable。
      但是every dog has it's day人人一生皆有得意時:every person has a successful moment in life。
      call off the dogs: 開口告訴別人要停止批評、攻擊或傷害另一個人。
      going to the dogs:情況大不如前,今非昔比。
      let sleeping dogs lie:警告某人不要幹預或騷擾現狀,否則會帶來麻煩或產生問題。
      英文動詞中的狗字,和漢語名詞“跟尾狗”相像。To dog is to follow closely and persistently。A dog follows it's master's footsteps,正如打獵時,獵犬尾隨獵物的行蹤和氣味一樣。A hound dog in hunting follows the scent of the prey。
      最後,A Top Dog是優勝者、當權派或大熱門 a person, group or country that is better than all others。An Under Dog是處於劣勢、屈居下風、被人看低一截的弱者,或者比賽前不被看好的冷門a weaker competitor in politics, sports, and other activities who is expected to lose。

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