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( 2012-08-10 )


      有人說過:資本主義世界,永遠有贏家或輸家: In a capitalist society, there will always be winners and losers。Winners see the gain. Losers see the pain.  
      WIN作動詞用,有獲勝和贏得的意思。前者例如You win a game, fight, argument, election。後者例如You win a prize, a medal, or support。WIN指在競賽、戰爭、比拼中獲得勝利,或者因此而贏得獎金或戰利品。
      EARN通常指你為你所做的工作獲得報酬:The reporter earns $3000 a month working for a newspaper。GAIN通常指你獲得有用和期望得到的東西,不一等和金錢有關:You gained useful experience while working for the newspaper。
      WIN和DEFEAT及BEAT,用法也有分別:You do not say that someone wins an enemy or opponent. In a war or battle, you say that one side defeats the other. In a game or contest, you say one person defeats or beats the other.
      You win hands down你輕易取得勝利。You win by a long chalk means you win very conclusively你毫不含糊地贏得勝利。You win some rounds means you are partly successful你贏得部份勝利。
      WIN作名詞用,相等於SUCCESS 成功 or VICTORY勝利。運動方面,兩勝三負是two wins and three defeats。雙贏的局面是win-win。一個各得其所的局面便是a win-win situation all around。例如:The agreement or solution is a win-win for everyone。反之,便是It's a no-win situation。
      WINNING作形容詞用,有兩個配詞用法很有趣:A winning smile是迷人的一笑;a winning way of doing something is one that makes somebody like you例如令人傾倒的神態;a winning streak is a period of time when you win every game or competition你手風順,運氣好。
      A WINNER贏家is a VICTOR勝利者。成者為王,敗者為寇。A winner takes all贏者通吃=a situation where the one who defeats others takes all the spoils of the conflict一切戰利品,歸為己有。
      運動場上、賭場上、商場上、情場上,勝利者歡呼,失敗者嘆息,司空見慣。當某人失意時,你可以安慰他這樣說:You  can't win them all =You win some, you lose some 。
      VICTORY可以配上不同的形容詞:a dramatic victory戲劇性的勝利,a decisive victory決定性的勝利,a narrow victory微弱的險勝,a surprise victory意外的成功,a landslide victory壓倒性優勢的選舉勝利,a well-earned victory理所應得的勝利等,都很常用。
      VICTORY前面運用合適的動詞,可以考慮不同的搭配:roar, romp, coast, cruise, storm, sweep to victory均表示輕易大獲全勝=a runaway success:Michel Phelps swept to victory in 2008 Beijing Olympics with 8 gold medals. Fernando       Torres led the Spanish team to runaway victory in the 2012 European Cup.
      英國首相Winston Churchill邱吉爾1940年5月13日在國會第一次演講:You ask: ‘What is our aim?’ I can answer in one word: ‘Victory!’ Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be: for without victory there is no survival不勝則亡。
      至於傷亡慘重,得不償失的勝利,只好說:a Pyrrhic or hollow victory which is not worth winning because the winner has suffered or lost so much in winning it。
      DEFEAT是VICTORY的相反詞=failure to win or succeed。
      用法方面:Defeat is always uncountable in these combinations: You had to admit defeat認輸. You can choose to concede defeat or fight back。
      Defeated等同conquered, vanquished, overthrown 失敗或戰敗。
      DEFEAT可以配上不同的形容詞:a heavy defeat大敗, a crushing defeat慘敗, a humiliating defeat恥辱的失敗, a tight defeat惜敗, a shock defeat意想不到的挫敗。If you say:  We aren't going to take defeat lying down=You won't accept it easily不輕言敗!
      冠在DEFEAT前面,表示admit  defeat的動詞,acknowledge, concede, accept都很常用。例如:美國總統選舉,失敗一方會大方和對方握手,以示民主公平競爭的風範:The presidential candidate  accepted defeat gracefully and shook hands with the winner。表示遭受失敗experience a defeat 的動詞搭配,crash to, face, taste, suffer都很常用。例如:該政黨在大選中慘敗:The political party suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election。
      失敗乃成功之母:Failure is the mother of success。挫折和逆境是通向成功的道路。
      功敗垂成仍為敗:A miss is as good as a mile,換言之,錯誤再小也是錯:there is no difference between only just failing in something and failing it badly because the result is still the same。
      有關WINNERS AND LOSERS成敗得失的英文雋語,可以列舉幾句,供大家賞玩:
      Winners see the potential;
      Losers see the past.  成者看到前面的潛力,敗者只眷顧失去的過去。
      Winners are a part of the team;
      Losers are apart of the team.成者合群,敗者離群。
      Winners believe in win-win;
      Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose. 成者相信雙贏,敗者相信先要別人輸,自己才會贏。

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