• 字體:

( 2012-08-03 )

      FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER更快更高更強,一直是奧林匹克運動會的OLYMPIC MOTTO座右銘。A motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims  and beliefs of a person, a group or an institution。
      運動員追求更快,2012倫敦奧運,游泳健兒為了遊得更快,可能穿上遠勝鯊魚裝的梭魚裝 FASTSKIN3,最新的泳裝能排水,泳將手腳的每個動作,就能把自己推前得更遠更快。It is the most technically advanced swimwear ever made。
      表達快速的英文字,FAST, QUICK, RAPID意思極接近,但用法和配詞有分別。
      FAST- car, train, pace, lane, highway。
      QUICK- glance, look, reply, response, decision, way, leap, temper。
      RAPID- change, growth, increase, decline, progress。
      FAST常見的成語:fast and furious=full of speed and excitement,例如說:The car chase at the end of the film was fast and furious該電影結尾時,節奏快,變化多 。Thick and fast=happening very quickly and in large amounts or numbers,例如說:Reporters' questions were coming at the president thick and fast 記者向總統頻頻發問,又快又多。
      FAST的其他SYNONYMS近義字,還有:SWIFT=moving or able to move very fast; SPEEDY=taking very little time;BRISK=moving or acting in a lively or energetic manner;PROMPT=being right on time;HASTY= done too quickly to be accurate or wise。
      HIGH和TALL最基本的分別在於:前者用以指從底部到頂部的高度:David Wilson has climbed some of the world's highest mountains,後者多用於人的高度:Yao Ming is 7 feet 6 inches tall。 
      HIGH字用途廣泛,可以指高度、等級、地位、含量、水準、價值、聲音等。The high jump跳高是奧運的田徑項目。A high-flyer is a person who rose very quickly to a successful position工作或學術有抱負有能力的人。A high-brow is a person thought to show more than average knowledge of art and intellectual interests自炫博學,自以為有學識的人。 Highlights是最精彩的場面。High-grade petrol是優質汽油。High ground是討論或爭議中的優勢。High living是奢侈的生活。
      TALL有兩個最常見的詞語:A tall story is one difficult to believe荒誕不經的無稽之談。A tall order is very difficult to do要求苛刻,難以辦到的事。
      HIGH的其他近義字,還有:LOFTY=very high or tall: lofty ambitions, lofty ideals, lofty principle, lofty aims崇高的抱負/理想/原則/目標。ELEVATED=raised or placed above a given level:an elevated position高出地面的位罝/an elevated highway高架公路/an elevated blood pressure血壓偏高。TOWERING=extremely tall or high: towering cliffs高聳的懸崖/ towering performance出色的表演/ towering rage勃然大怒。
      更值得ESL學習者留意的,是HIGH 和 HIGHLY用作ADVERBS副詞時,微妙的分別。
      HIGH作為副詞,描寫向高處運動的實際高度:He jumped high他跳得高。A monkey can climb high猴子爬得高。HIGHLY作為副詞,描寫某人做某事的方式:The teacher speaks highly of his students from time to time老師不時地讚揚他的學生。He is highly regarded by his peers他備受同儕尊重。This official is paid highly這位官員薪酬很高。This film is highly amusing這部電影令人看得很開心。
      STRONG這個字比HIGH字用途更廣,strong arms, strong coffee, strong sunshine都有不同的意思。
      和身體有關的同義詞和相似詞: STRONG means having much power, energy or strength。但是,a strong person例如強壯的運動員,和a strong man鐵腕人物或大力士,大有分別。STRONG近於POWERFUL和FORCEFUL,例如a tennis player with a powerful wrist網球手擁有強勁的腕力,a forceful speaker with a powerful voice雄辯滔滔,有說服力的演說家,加上強勁的聲線。
      MUSCULAR means having large, strong muscles。 A muscular body/build/chest分別是:強壯的身型/體格/胸部。當然,高挑、瘦削、強壯有力的運動員,可能最受歡迎:a tall, lean and muscular athlete is the most popular type。
      肌肉型格的形容詞,還有HUSKY魁梧、高大威猛,particularly good for wrestling 摔跤and shot put擲鉛球 這一類competitive sports  競技型體育比賽。肌肉型的同義詞:BURLY=big, strong, and heavy例如burly arms, burly body guards;以及BRAWNY= having large strong muscles 例如brawny chest, brawny brute。肌肉過份發達的BEEFYCAKE can suggest a fleshy grossness ,觀感上可能有反效果,having bad connotations隱含貶義。
      Precision is the principle to increase your word power。用字準確是致勝之道。
      If you pay more attention to SYNONYMS, you can be a faster learner, a higher achiever, and a stronger performer 。


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