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( 2012-07-06 )

      社交網站FACEBOOK用戶遍及全球, 世界上最多人認識的和喜歡的,很可能是LIKE這個英文字。
      LIKING  AND  NOT  LIKING喜惡有強弱程度上的分別。
      大致來說,LIKING PEOPLE的English idioms英文習用語,有多種講法。
      最流行的The apple of somebody's eye =  someone you love most and are very proud of ,相等於漢語的另眼相看,或垂青眼。
      假如你有三個孩子,而又特別溺愛年僅3歲、活潑可愛的幼子,原因很難解釋:You have a soft spot for him,即是說:You feel a lot of affection for one particular person, very often without knowing why。
      假如你觸電地愛上某人,you are moonstruck by her,像羅密歐看中朱麗葉:You take a shine to her and you like her immediately,一見鐘情,重點在快,一瞬間擦出火花。
      假如兩個人十分投機,一拍即合:You two guys get on like a house on fire = You like each other very much and become friends very quickly。
      幽默的成語:a mutual admiration society = a situation in which two people express a lot of admiration for each other,兩人惺惺相惜。
      至於你喜歡某個人, 英文常用說法多元化:very fond of somebody or something, take a fancy to somebody, keen on somebody, she appeals to you, he goes down well with me 等等都可以。 A likeable person grows on you and you get to like him more and more。同聲相應,同氣相求:You both are on the same wave length。
      你不喜歡某人,可以說I can't stand him , I can't bear him(不能忍受,難以接受),甚至:I can't stand the sight of him。或者:He is not my cup of tea : 他不是我那杯茶。
      你喜歡某些東西:You like something very much,you love or adore something,you are crazy or mad about it,you have a passion for it ,you are addicted to it,you cannot stop doing it。
      反之,你討厭某些東西:If  you don't like a thing, then you don't care for it。
      A course of action that you dislike is said to go against the grain,我感到違反常理,或者格格不入。
      Words and expressions related to DISLIKING, 單字方面,除了hate之外,有loathe厭惡、detest憎恨、despise鄙視。你對某些事物強烈不滿,極之反感:You are disgusted,appalled or repelled by it。
      你由反感,轉至接受,再到喜歡的情況,例如:I don't like coffee at all. As a child,  I loathed coffee . I hated the smell., but I‘ve got to like to like it now。 Got to like something = start to like ,相等於開始培養好感的意思。又例如:I absolutely detested cheese. I'd rather die than eat cheese. But I adore it now。因為喜歡奶酪,懂得欣賞,需要花點時間,英語人士說:It is an acquired taste。
      說到taste口味,各人有不同的偏好。Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 你簡單回答:I prefer coffee over /instead of/ to tea,都可以 。
      喜惡各人不一樣:One man's meat is another man's poison:對甲是肉,對乙是毒,人各有所好。Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: 情人眼裡出西施。品味無可爭論。
      人的愛憎好惡是無法解釋的,所謂:there's no accounting for taste,談到品味無爭辯。
      TASTE can be in the form of judgment,品味可以是判斷力、鑒賞力。 Good taste 高尚品味or bad taste低級趣味,品味有時真的很主觀,taste is very subjective。
      Everyone has different likes and dislikes。
      愛爾蘭大文豪Bernard Shaw蕭伯納說得好:“Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequence. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness but it is greatness.”

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