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( 2012-06-29 )

      美國名校的錄取通知書,眾多家長和孩子夢寐以求。激情是所有名校所強調的特質。也許你有愛好,也許你有喜愛的活動,然而能為之執着,一如既往地堅持的學生又有多少呢?美國名校申請專家Evan Brown老師用親身經歷講訴他對“激情”的理解。希望眾多學子能從中有所感悟,在備考和申請中,運籌帷幄,拿到夢想大學的錄取。
      At Stanford University's 2005 commencement ceremony, Steve Jobs exhorted graduates to “follow your heart and intuition.” I was a junior that year, and I remember Jobs' memorable words frequently recited throughout the dorms, classrooms, and dining halls. Students and staff alike drew inspiration from this example of an enthusiastic computer nerd who followed his dreams and succeeded. Even before the days of the iPhone, Jobs' quickly burgeoning tech company seemed to breathe new life into college campuses around the world – Apple changed the way we listen to and share music, write term papers, and browse the web. How was Jobs able to accomplish so much in such a short time? Well, his speech addresses this point in unequivocal terms: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.”
      How you choose to spend your time says a lot about who you are. Do you enjoy penning free-verse poetry? or writing math proofs for fun? or scuba diving and befriending creatures of the sea? or mastering Latin noun declensions? or throwing pots at a wheel? or investing in the stock market? Everyone has a passion, but many fail to identify it early on. Jobs knew what he wanted to do, and he didn't waste precious seconds on doing anything extraneous.
      Many high school students spend free time doing things (perhaps even good things) for the wrong reasons. Here are some things to consider when you are spending your free time:
      •Enjoy yourself – many times, our passions lie in the activities that we enjoy most. Whether this involves the challenge of baking the perfect macarons or that of becoming a scratch golfer, only you will be able to know for sure (i.e., not your parents, friends, or teachers).
      •Stick to something – making a commitment to a passion is the best way to ensure you spend your time wisely. If you know what you love, go do it every chance you take.
      •Make an impact -- yes, you may love to play video games, or go shopping, or watch movies with your friends. Relaxing is essential but should occupy less free time than the meaningful pursuit of a passion that has an outcome. You should be able to measure your impact in numbers, results, testimonials, or other data.
      Finding your passion is not always easy. If you like many things, ask yourself what they all have in common. Sometimes we may be afraid that our passion is not worthy of serious pursuit. Perhaps we fear that our true passion might raise some doubtful eyebrows among family, friends, or teachers. We might question whether or not we deserve to be so self-indulgent to follow our dreams, especially if they don't seem to lead to prosperity. It takes honesty, self-knowledge, and a certain amount of selfishness to acknowledge true passion. And that, of course, is just the first step. As Jobs says, once we know our passion, we must have to courage to do something about it.

      Evan Brown