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iPain alert on smart tools 使用智能玩意 提防“i痛”侵襲
( 2012-06-22 )

      The iPad and iPhone may be the trendiest (adj.最時髦的) gadgets (n.小玩意) to own but spending too much time with them can lead to severe (adj.嚴重的) neck and back problems, anesthesiologist (n.麻醉科醫生) Carina Li Ching-fan (n.李靜芬) warns.
      An online (adj.網上的) poll (n.問卷調查) of 1,532 people, aged (adj.……歲的) 18 and above, showed that nearly 95 percent (n.百分數) of the respondents (n.回應者) have had such pains during the past 12 months.
      The Hong Kong (n.香港) Multisports (n.全能運動) Association, which conducted (v.負責) the survey (n.問卷調查) from April 23 to May 6, said one out of three use their devices (n.器具) for more than four hours a day while 57 percent do the same on their computers.
      Seven out of 10 are white-collar (adj.白領的) workers, managers (n.管理人員) and professionals (n.專業人士) who spend long hours working on desktop (n.桌面) or notebook (n.筆記簿) computers and on their tablets (n.平板電腦) or smartphones (n.智能手機).
      Half of those polled (v.訪問) said they have experienced severe pain, which adversely (adv.有害地) affects their work, sleep quality, mood (n.情緒) and concentration (n.注意力).
      Li, the association's honorary (adj.榮譽的) medical adviser (n.顧問), said people use their devices for long periods and maintain a wrong posture (n.姿勢) - including keeping their heads down.
      (The Standard, May 29)


      1. trendiest (adj) /'trendiIst/,TREND-dee-ist 最時髦的、最流行的
      解讀:名詞trend解作趨勢、潮流,例如prevailing trend是流行的趨勢;形容詞trendy解作時髦的、流行的,例如trendy clothes是時髦的衣服,trendy shop是售賣時髦商品的商店;比較級和最高級便是trendier和trendiest。
      2. anesthesiologist (n) /'ænəs'θi:zi' ɒlədʒIst/,an-nuss-thee-zi-OL-la-jist 麻醉科醫生、麻醉師
      3. tablet (n) /'tæblət/,TAB-blut 牌匾、平板電腦
       解讀:ablet可指藥片、片劑,通常較堅硬,可研成粉末,有別於較軟的capsule,即膠囊;tablet也可指牌匾,以至各種平面木板、石板之類,因而引申指平板電腦,這時也叫tablet computer或tablet PC;此外,tablet的另一個慣常讀音是TAB-blit。