Norwegian (adj.挪威的) expressionist (n.表現主義者) Edvard Munch(n.蒙克)'s The Scream (n.吶喊) has become the most expensive artwork (n.藝術品) sold at auction (n.拍賣), after it fetched (v.售得) $119.9m.
The 1895 pastel (n.蠟筆畫) was bought by an anonymous (adj.匿名的) buyer at Sotheby's (n.蘇富比) in New York (n.紐約). Bidding (n.競投) lasted 12 minutes.
The work is one of four in a series (n.系列) by the Norwegian expressionist (adj.表現主義的) artist and was the only one still privately (adv.私人地) owned. It is also the only one to include a poem by Munch on the frame (n.畫框), which talks of the inspiration (n.靈感) behind the series of works.
Proceeds (n.收益) of the sale are to go towards founding (v.成立) a new museum (n.博物館), hotel and art centre in Norway (n.挪威).
Seven bidders (n.競投者) were competing (v.競爭) for the work, which had a starting price of $40m. The crowd broke into (v.爆發) applause (n.鼓掌), following the sale on Wednesday.
The previous (adj.以前的) record (n.紀錄) for an artwork sold at auction was for Picasso(n.畢加索)'s Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust (n.半身像), which sold for $106.5m in 2010.
According to Forbes (n.《福布斯》), The Scream is the eighth most expensive painting sold at a private or public auction, when prices are adjusted (v.調整) for inflation (n.通脹).
(BBC, May 3)
1. expressionist (n, adj) /Ik'spreʃənIst/,iks-PRESH-shun-nist 表現主義者、表現主義的
2. auction (n) /'ɔ:kʃən/,AWK-shun 拍賣、拍賣會
解讀:auction有時可數、有時不可數,在第一段和最後第二段的at auction中不可數,在最後一段的at a private or public auction中則可數;如文中所示,auction前面常用介系詞at,此外,用by也常見,例如a jumble sale by auction是以拍賣方式售出舊雜物。
3. anonymous (adj) /ə'nnIməs/,a-NON-nim-muss 名字不公開的、匿名的
解讀:文中的anonymous buyer是匿名買家,又例如anonymous writer / author是匿名作者,anonymous source是匿名消息人士,anonymous letter是匿名信;prefer / wish to remain anonymous是指一個人不願透露姓名。