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Legco chiefs clash on filibuster 立會前後主席 為拉布交鋒
( 2012-06-08 )

      Legislative Council (n.立法會) president (n.主席) Jasper Tsang Yok-sing (n.曾鈺成) and his pre(adj.之前的)-handover (n.主權移交、回歸) predecessor (n.前任者) Andrew Wong Wang-fat (n.黃宏發) yesterday traded (v.交換) barbs (n.帶刺的話) over the former(n.前者)'s decision to halt (v.中止) the filibuster (n.為了拖延表決的冗長演說、拉布) on the government's by-election (n.補選) bill (n.方案).
      Wong told the City Forum (n.論壇) yesterday that Tsang should not have taken matters into his own hands (v.親自處理) and should have left the decision to the full council (n.議會).
      He could have invoked (v.援引) the power enshrined (v.莊嚴地載入) in Article (n.條文) 92 of the house rules (n.議事規則) to allow pro-establishment (adj.建制派的) lawmaker (n.立法會議員) Philip Wong Yu-hong (n.黃宜弘) to raise (v.提出) a motion (n.動議) to interrupt (v.暫停) the debate rather than deciding on his own to end it.
      Wong also warned that it would be dangerous for the legislature (n.立法會) to amend (v.修改) its rules to prevent filibusters as this would allow the majority to limit the minority from voicing (v.發表) opinions.
      In reply, Tsang said Wong has been out of Legco (n.立法會) for a long time and is out of touch with (adj.不瞭解的) the present-day (adj.現在的) legislature.
      Wong said while (conj.儘管) he may have left Legco a long time ago, the general principles (n.原則) of how a president should act remain the same.
      (The Standard, May 21)


      1. filibuster (n) /'fIlIbΛstə/,FI-li-bust-ta 為了拖延表決的冗長演說、拉布
      2. barb (n) /bɑ:b/,BAR-b 帶刺的話、挖苦的話
      解讀:barb本指箭頭或鐵絲網等的倒、倒刺,引申指帶刺、挖苦的話,在本文其實沒那麼嚴重,只是指批評而已;形容詞barbed解作有倒刺的、挖苦的,例如barbed wire是帶刺鐵絲網,a barbed remark是挖苦的話。
      3.enshrine (v) /In'ʃraIn/,in-SHRINE 把……奉為神聖、莊嚴地載入(法律中)
      解讀:名詞shrine解作聖地、神廟,並引申指任何具有重要意義的地方,例如日本的Yasukuni Shrine是靖國神社;動詞enshrine因而解作安奉某個神聖物件或人物、把……奉為神聖,並引申指文中的意思,即莊嚴地載入(法律中)。
