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做個Mama's Boy有益身心
( 2012-05-25 )

      Mama's Boy指無主見、不懂獨立,凡事都要問准母親,遇到問題便向母親哭訴的弱者。Mama's Boy在學校是被人取笑的對象,男生不會跟他玩,女生看不起他,所以如果得到Mama's Boy這稱號不會是好事。

      母子關係 負面詮釋
      但把問題看得清楚一點便會發現,Mama's Boy這稱號的意思其實很模糊。而所謂"Mama's Boy",通常都只是指與母親關係密切的孩子。
      Mama's Boy這個稱號背後的禍害可大。它代表的是社會根深底固的偏見,也造成重大壓力,影響兒子和母親的關係。New York Times專欄作家Kate Stone Lombardi在《The Mama's Boy Myth - Why Keeping Our Sons Close Makes Them Stronger》一書中,強烈反駁有關Mama's Boy的謬誤想法︰
      The cultural message we have absorbed is that a well-adjusted, loving mother is one who gradually but surely pushes her sons away, both emotionally and physically, in order to allow him to grow up to be a healthy man.... This was standard operating procedure(標準的程序) for our mothers, our grandmothers, and even our great-grandmothers.
      This frozen perspective is problematic on many levels. For one thing, it continues to reinforce a dated, sexist, homophobic, and generally negative view of what goes on between women and their sons.
      Frozen解結冰的。Frozen perspective是僵化的看法、觀點。Problematic是有問題的。問題是Mama's Boy的概念不斷確認以陳舊的、性別歧視的、討厭同性戀的和整體負面的角度來看母親與兒子的關係。

      情緒開放 社交高手
      It diminishes or ignores anything positive that women can and do contribute to their boys. It leaves both mother and sons feeling confused and anxious about their relationship. And because of this distorted lens(扭曲的鏡片), the mother-son relationship has become the only parent-child combination in which closeness is viewed so critically(被批判地) and with such suspicion(質疑).
      書中引述Arizona State University教授Carlos Santos的研究,指出兒子親近母親好處可多︰
      They are more emotionally open(情緒開放) and communicative(社交能力高). A strong attachment with his mother gives him the tools he needs to help him with the other relationship in his life.