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( 2012-05-18 )


      A colossal waste
      Susan Cain在QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking就為introverts申冤。她說女性一度被社會歧視,視為二等公民(second-class citizens);而introverts就同樣是second-class citizens,整個社會的制度都不利於他們。
      Our schools, workplaces, and religious institutions are designed for extroverts, and many introverts believe that there is something wrong with them and that they should try to "pass" as extroverts. The bias against introversion leads to a colossal waste of talent, energy, and, ultimately, happiness.
      Colossal解龐大的,可以指正面的事情,如a colossal success(巨大的成功),或如上文,用來形容負面的東西:"a colossal waste of talent, energy and happiness"(才華、精力和快樂的巨大浪費)。
      Susan Cain是律師。她開始執業時,覺得自己不適合這行業,因為律師給人的印象都是滿懷自信、能言善辯。而她卻是個introvert,有時還有點害羞。
      But I soon realized that my nature had a lot of advantages(好處): I was good at building loyal alliances(忠誠的伙伴), one-on-one, behind the scenes; I could close my door, concentrate(專注), and get the work done well; and like many introverts, I tended to ask a lot of questions and listen intently to the answers, which is an invaluable(非常寶貴的、無價的) tool in negotiation(談判). 

      Susan Cain後來發現原來內向寡言有很多好處。可以讓她找到真誠相對的朋友,也可讓她專心思考,在談判的過程中細心聆聽。
      這世上很多重要的發明,如personal computers,或經典的音樂、藝術作品,很多都來自introverts。
      在Susan Cain的網站http://www.thepowerofintroverts.com的"Manifesto"(宣言)一欄中,可找到對introverts的想法。其中有這一句︰"'Quiet leadership' is not an oxymoron." 
      Oxymoron是把兩個意思相反的字放在一起的矛盾修飾法。如open secret(公開的秘密),或deafening silence(令人欲聾的寂靜)。不過,quiet和leadership就不是相反的,因為沉默的人可以成為領導者。
      她並認為,"solitude is a catalyst for innovation"
