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Parents log on in bid to understand kids 欲瞭解子女 家長紛上網
( 2012-05-11 )

      A study (n.調查) has found that parents use social (adj.社交的) networks (n.網絡) such as Facebook (n.“臉書”) to understand their children better.
      In a poll (n.問卷調查) conducted (v.做) in October and November last year, The Church of United Brethren (n.弟兄們) in Christ (n.基督教協基會) said nearly half of 1,300 parents with children studying in primary and secondary schools have Facebook accounts (n.帳戶).
      According to CUBC (n.(基督教)協基會), most parents who have Facebook accounts are usually listed (v.加入名單) as "friends" by their children.
      Around 80 percent said they do not actively (adv.主動地) comment on their children's postings (n.留言) and activities.
      Through Facebook, they discovered that their children have emotional (adj.情緒的) problems, but chose to observe how they interacted (v.溝通) with peers (n.同輩) until they saw a need to discuss the problems with them face to face (adv.面對面地).
      About 40 percent of the parents interviewed (v.訪問) said they rarely (adv.很少) rely on digital (adj.電子的) communication to build a relationship with their children.
      "Parents should consider (v.顧及) their children's position (n.處境) before reacting (v.回應) to them on Facebook as this could worsen (v.使惡化) their relationships should their children lose face (v.丟臉) before their peers," said Cheng Tze-wah (n.鄭子華), spokesman (n.發言人) for CUBC.
      (The Standard, April 23)


      1. log on (v) /'lɒg 'ɒn/,log-ON 登入電腦系統、上網
      解讀:log on也常說作log in,本指登入電腦系統,尤指利用特定的登入名字和密碼,例如︰He logged on / in to check his email(他登入電腦系統,查看自己的電郵);log on / in另一個差不多的意思則是上網。
      2. brethren (n) /'breðrən/,BREATH-run 弟兄們、同道
      3. lose face (v) /'lu:z 'feɪs/,lose-FACE 丟臉、出醜
      解讀:lose face的有趣之處,是先有中文“丟臉”一語,然後英語才仿造出lose face這個短語;本文談Facebook(“臉書”),撰文者遂有意多用含有face的詞語,除了末段的lose face外,尚有第五段的face to face(面對面地)。
