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Use your noodle over salt intake 請君動腦筋 思考攝鹽量
( 2012-05-04 )

      A bowl of wonton (n.雲吞) noodles (n.麵條) contains enough salt to be labeled (v.稱為) a health hazard (n.威脅), experts warn.
      Chinese University (n.中文大學) researchers (n.研究人員) found the public consumes (v.吃喝) an average 10 grams (n.克) of salt a day, or double the amount considered to be healthy.
      Mandy Sea Man-me (n.史曼媚), an assistant (adj.助理的) professor (n.教授) at the university's department (n.學系) of medicine (n.醫學、內科) and therapeutics (n.治療學), said a diet (n.日常飲食) high in salt may lead to high blood pressure (n.血壓) and an increased risk (n.風險) of strokes (n.中風).
      Sea said the high salt intake (n.攝取量) is due to bad habits and eating out - consuming food thought to be loaded (adj.含量高的) with more salt and seasoning (n.調味料) than home-cooked (adj.家裏烹調的) food.
      A simple dish (n.一道菜) such as wonton noodles contains almost eight grams of salt. By comparison, a Big Mac (n.巨無霸) has a mere (adj.僅僅的) 2.6 grams.
      "Unhealthy salt intake has a health impact (n.巨大影響) as great as smoking (n.吸煙) but people generally (adv.通常) choose to ignore it," said Jean Woo (n.黃胡令芳), director (n.主任) of the university's center for nutritional (adj.營養的) studies (n.研究).
      A practical (adj.切實可行的) and short-term (adj.短期的) approach (n.做法) would be to change personal mind-sets (n.思維模式、態度) toward salt, Sea said.
      (The Standard, April 13)


      1. noodle (n) /'nu:dl/,NOO-dl 麵條、腦袋
      解讀:有一個o、兩個d的名詞noddle(讀如NOD-dl)解作頭、腦袋,但美國人卻經常說作有兩個o、一個d的noodle,而noodle則解作麵條;本文談到雲吞麵含大量鹽,標題遂用含有noodle一字的短語Use your noodle,其實即是說Use your noddle,即叫人用腦袋、動腦筋。
      2. intake (n) /'InteIk/,IN-take 攝取量、進食量
      解讀:intake本指水管入口,引申指食物或飲料的攝取量,例如標題和內文的salt intake是鹽分攝取量、攝鹽量,也可說作intake of salt;又例如fluid intake或intake of fluid是流質攝取量。
      3. approach (n) /ə'prəʊtʃ/,a-PROH-ch 方式、做法
      解讀:approach固然可解作接近、靠近,但它尚可指方式、做法,文中便是這個意思;切實可行的做法可如文中說作practical ... approach,此外,尚可說pragmatic / problem-solving / no-nonsense approach。
