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Half a million Mac computers 'infected with malware' 半百萬蘋果電腦 “受惡意軟件感染”
( 2012-04-27 )

      More than half a million Apple (n.蘋果) computers have been infected (v.感染) with the Flashback (n.閃回) Trojan (n.特洛伊人、木馬軟件), according to a Russian (adj.俄羅斯的) anti(adj.防止……的)-virus (n.病毒) firm.
      Its report claims (v.聲稱) that about 600,000 Macs (n.蘋果電腦) have installed (v.安裝) the malware (n.惡意軟件) - potentially (adv.有可能) allowing them to be hijacked (v.綁架、截奪) and used as a "botnet" (n.“殭屍網絡”).
      The firm, Dr Web (n.網絡), says that more than half that number are based (adj.位於……的) in the US (n.美國).
      Apple has released (v.發布) a security (n.保安) update (n.更新(程式)), but users who have not installed the patch (n.修補程序) remain exposed (adj.沒保護的).
      Flashback was first detected (v.發現) last September when anti-virus researchers flagged up (v.引起注意) software masquerading (v.偽裝) itself as a Flash (n.閃光) Player (n.播放器) update. Once downloaded (v.下載) it deactivated (v.使停止運作) some of the computer's security software.
      Dr Web also notes (v.指出) that 274 of the infected computers it detected appeared (v.似乎) to be located in Cupertino (n.丘珀蒂諾), California (n.(美國)加州) - home to Apple's headquarters (n.總部).
      "People used to (v.過去經常做) say that Apple computers, unlike (prep.與……不同) Windows (n.視窗) PCs (n.個人電腦), can't ever be infected - but it's a myth (n.不真實的東西)," said Timur Tsoriev (n.曹列夫), an analyst (n.分析員) at Kaspersky (n.卡巴斯基) Lab (n.實驗室).
      (BBC, April 5)

      卡巴斯基實驗室分析員曹列夫說:“人們過去經常說蘋果電腦與視窗個人電腦不同,永不會受到感染——但其實不然。”   (英國廣播公司,四月五日)

      1. malware (n) /'mælweə/,MAEL-ware 惡意軟件、流氓軟件
       解讀:malware的英文全名是malicious software,當中的malicious解作惡意的、惡毒的,而software便是軟件、軟體;留意malware跟software一樣,都不可數;字根mal-解作壞、錯誤,例如malnutrition是營養不良,malfunction是故障。
      2. Trojan (n) /'trəʊdʒən/,TROH-jun 特洛伊人、木馬軟件
      解讀:Trojan可作名詞,解作特洛伊(Troy)的人,也可用作形容詞,指特洛伊的;根據傳說,古希臘人為了潛入敵城Troy,便藏在空心的木馬中,這隻木馬便叫Trojan horse(特洛伊木馬),現今可引申指來自外部的顛覆分子或活動;用於電腦上,Trojan horse便指看似無害但實際有害的惡意軟件,也常簡稱作Trojan。
      3. masquerade (v) /,mæskə'reId/,mass-ka-RAID 偽裝、假扮