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World landmarks dimmed for Earth Hour 響應“地球一小時”  全球地標變漆黑
( 2012-04-20 )

      Hundreds of world landmarks (n.地標) from Berlin(n.柏林)'s Brandenburg (n.勃蘭登堡) Gate to the Great Wall (n.萬里長城) of China (n.中國) went dark Saturday, part of a global (adj.全球的) effort to highlight (v.凸顯) climate change (n.氣候轉變).
      Earth Hour (n.“地球一小時”), held on the last Saturday of March every year, began as a Sydney(n.悉尼)-only event in 2007. The city's iconic (adj.象征的) Harbor Bridge (n.港灣大橋) and Opera House (n.歌劇院) were dimmed (v.變昏暗) again this year.
      Australia (n.澳洲) is among the first countries to flick (v.按開關) off the light switches (n.開關) each year; in New Zealand (n.紐西蘭), Sky Tower (n.天空塔) in Auckland (n.奧克蘭) and the parliament (n.國會) buildings in Wellington (n.威靈頓) switched (v.開關) off two hours earlier; Tokyo Tower (n.東京鐵塔) was also dimmed and in Hong Kong (n.香港), buildings along Victoria Harbour (n.維多利亞港) also went dark. All the events take place at 8:30 p.m. local (adj.當地的) time.
      The WWF (n.世界自然基金會), the global environmental (adj.環保的) group which organizes the event, said the number of countries and territories (n.地區) participating (v.參與) has grown from 135 last year to 147 this year.
      Libya (n.利比亞), Algeria (n.阿爾及利亞), Bhutan (n.不丹) and French Guinea (n.法屬幾機亞) are among those participating for the first time.
      (Associated Press, March 31)


      1. landmark (n) /'lændmɑ:k/,LAND-mark 地標、陸標
      解讀:landmark,顧名思義,是land(陸地)的mark(標記),即地標,指的是有助於識別所處地點的建築物或景物等;landmark也可引申指標誌重要階段的里程碑,即相當於milestone,例如landmark / milestone ruling是具有里程碑意義的法庭裁決。
      2. dim (v) /dIm/,d-IM 變昏暗、使暗淡
      解讀:dim可用作形容詞,解作昏暗的、暗淡的,a dim room是昏暗的房間,a dim light是微弱的燈光;dim也可用作動詞,可解作變昏暗或使暗淡,例如the light dimmed是燈變暗了,而he dimmed the light是他把燈調暗了。
      3. flick (v) /flIk/,f-LICK 按開關、按鍵
      解讀:flick本解作用手或手指快速地輕擊、輕彈,例如flick ash on the carpet是把煙灰彈在地毯上;flick因而引申指按開關,例如flick a switch是按開關鍵,而flick on / off便是開/關電燈或機器等。
