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現代生活的hustle and bustle影響孩子睡眠?
( 2012-04-13 )


      Worried your kids don't get enough sleep? You're not alone - parents and experts over the past 100-plus years have had the same concerns, say researchers at the University of South Australia who found that even in the 1900s the "hustle and bustle of modern life" and the stimulation of new technology - meaning the radio - was believed to be interfering with kids' zzzzz's.
      Hustle and bustle解忙忙碌碌、熙熙攘攘。早在一九○○年代,家長已覺得“現代生活的新科技產物”給孩子過度刺激,令他們不肯早點上床睡覺。
      The rate of decline is almost identical(一樣的) to the decline in actual sleep duration of children, about 0.73 minutes per year, says the study. That's roughly an hour and 15 minutes over a century.
      A 5-year-old, for example, in 1897 was thought to need 14 hours of sleep; today, anywhere from 10.5 to 11 hours.

      避免yo-yo sleeping
      進行這項研究的學者說,雖然對於optimal sleep times(最佳的睡眠時間)的建議不絕,但卻沒有確切科學證據證明什麼才是“最佳”。所以父母不用過分憂慮。
      Parents shouldn't stress too much about particular sleep targets. But they should avoid "yo-yo sleeping," which he defined as "short sleeps on school days and big catch-up sleeps on Friday and Saturday nights."
      但他們應該避免yo-yo sleeping的模式,那就是在周中上學的日子睡得少,周末就大睡特睡。Stanley Coren的Sleep Thieves提供很多有關睡眠的有趣故事和資料。