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( 2012-03-30 )

      Sugar is so toxic(有毒) it should be controlled like alcohol(酒精), according to new report that goes so far as to suggest setting an age limit of 17 years to buy soda pop. It points to sugar as a culprit(罪犯) behind many of the world's major killers - heart disease, cancer and diabetes(糖尿病) - that are now a greater health burden than infectious disease(傳染病).

      報告刊登於研究期刊Nature,作者是美國南加州大學兒童過度肥胖問題專家Dr. Robert Lustig及兩名公共醫療政策學者。Lustig說人類以往每年只有幾個月有糖可吃,但現在則什麼也加糖,無糖不歡:
      Over the eons(極長時期) sugar was available to our ancestors(祖先) as fruit for only a few months a year at harvest time(收割時候), or as honey which was guarded by bees. Now it is added to nearly all processed foods. In developing countries, sugary soft drinks are often cheaper than potable(適合飲用的) water or milk.
      The sweetener is made from sucrose, found in sugarcane(甘蔗) and sugar beets(甜菜) or from high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and contains a roughly equal mixture of glucose(葡萄糖) and fructose(果糖).
      報告說越來越多科學證據顯示,"fructose can trigger processes that lead to liver toxicity(肝毒) and a host of other chronic diseases"。
      一如所料,這樣的建議一定會引起極大反應,尤其是飲料業界。加拿大飲料業協會發言人Stephanie Baxter認為建議可笑,也是"over simplification of a complex issue"(把一個複雜的問題過分簡單化)。
      "No one single food or beverage can be linked to obesity. And there is no scientific evidence to support the allegations that sugar, in any of its various forms, is a unique cause of health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension(高血壓), cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病) or metabolic syndrome(新陳代謝有關的症候)."
      食糖過量影響健康的理論並不是在今天才出現。Nancy Appleton的Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction,吃糖自殺,就是書名已很驚嚇。
