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( 2012-03-16 )

      當有人做了對不起我們的事,又或傷害了我們,或多或少,大家都想報復。對某人做出報復的行為是take revenge on someone,例如︰Residents in the building took revenge on the burglar by beating him up.(大廈居民毆打竊匪報復。) He wanted revenge for getting fired from his job.(他丟掉職位要找人報復。)
      Vengeance也解報仇,是名詞︰The villagers swore vengeance on the thieves who burned down their houses.(村民發誓要向燒毀他們房子的盜賊報仇。)

      Letting go更划算
      復仇與否,憤憤不平的心情很多時都會徘徊不去。心理治療師Laura Schlessinger在Surviving a Shark Attack (On Land)中便自認是個報復心很強的人。儘管如此,她也勸喻大家別老想向傷害你的人報復,又或懷仇恨的心,分分秒秒想看到仇人得到報應(comeuppance),因為這實在很不划算。
      划算的是letting go(放手)。是否寬恕是另一個問題,但不放手只會讓不開心的經歷繼續傷害自己。
      Call that forgiveness, if you will ... I just call it letting go of one end of the cesspool(污水坑) to swim over to the other side and get into a wonderful swimming pool.
      Unfortunately, some people get stuck in not wanting to let go of the dream of devastating their betrayer. It becomes an obsession. Why? Because it is easier to hate than move on - simple as that. Hate requires nothing but rehashing(重講) the story and stoking(潑火) the fire to keep the flame of rage alive. It is hating instead of living.

      時刻想著仇恨,就會忘記好好為自己的生命而活。Laura Schlessinger形容這是對自己的背叛:"that is tantamount to becoming your own betrayer"。
      Laura Schlessinger也曾有被最信任的人背叛、傷害的經驗。但當傷害她的人遇上噩運,她卻發覺自己並不覺得“心涼”,因為她已經不再意,正專心過自己的美好生活。
      As time passed, my anger and hurt subsided(下降) as I became more invested in the changed elements of my life and expanded my activities. I filled the time with things other than thoughts of payback(報復), things other than hopes of karma (因果報應), things other than hopes of great comeuppance(報應).
