The Lunar (adj.月亮的) New Year (n.農曆新年) is traditionally (adv.傳統上) a time for family gatherings (n.聚會), visiting relatives (n.親戚) and, for children, to collect red packets (n.紅包、利是). It is also a time to indulge (v.放縱) in traditional foods, many of which are high in calories (n.卡路里、熱量).
Not surprisingly (adv.驚訝地), therefore, many people gain weight during this period.
Registered (adj.註冊的) dietitian (n.營養師) Leslie Chan Kwok-pan (n.陳國賓) said that over the years he has seen some children gain as much as five to six kilograms during the Christmas (n.聖誕節) and Lunar New Year holidays.
"Since children naturally gain weight during puberty (n.青春期) it is more difficult for them to shed (v.去除) unwanted (adj.多余的) kilograms when compared with adults," Chan said.
"What makes it worse is that both Christmas and the Lunar New Year always fall (v.發生) during the cooler months when the human metabolism (n.新陳代謝) becomes 5 to 8 percent slower. So it is easier to put on (v.增加) weight."
Chan warned that children gaining around 5kg in a short time are also likely to suffer from diarrhea (n.肚瀉) owing to (prep.由於) the oily contents (n.含量) of traditional foods such as preserved (adj.保存的) meats (n.臘肉) and Chinese (adj.中國的) sausages (n.臘腸).
(The Standard, January 27)
1. weighty (adj) /'we?笈ti/,
WEIGHT-tee 重的、嚴重的
解讀:名詞weight解作重量,因而引申指重要性、嚴重程度;形容詞weighty同樣含有這兩重意思,例如a weighty matter是重大的事情,而a weighty document是大部頭的文件;本文談及小朋友的體重,標題便幽默地用上這個語帶雙關的字。
2. festive (adj) /'fest?笈v/,FESS-tiv 節日的、喜慶的
解讀:名詞festival解作節日、喜慶日,例如Mid-Autumn Festival是中秋節;形容詞festive本解作節日的,因而引申指喜慶的、歡樂的;標題的festive fare是節日食品,也常叫festive foods,又例如festive mood是節日心情。
3. fare (n) /fe?瑆/,f-AIR 飯菜、食品
解讀:解作飯菜、食品時,fare是個較古舊或正統的字,因而很少在日常對話中出現;文中festive fare是節日食品,又例如delicious fare是佳餚美食,vegetarian fare是素菜;留意在這個意義下fare不可數,因而不能加-s。